Nothing else springs immediately to mind.
Here is my translation of her Orphic Hymn, from Orphic Hymns Grimoire. The new expanded second edition just came out:
84: Hestia, the Hearth
Hestia, queen, worthy daughter of Time,
Ever-flowing fire, inferno sublime,
Inhabiting ever the heart of the home,
You walk the initiate into the unknown.
You hallow our spirits with your mystic decree:
“The hearthfire at home IS the flame of all mystery!”
Goddess most wealthy, wise, happy and pure,
Grant us your blessings, we mortals implore.
Eternal shapechanger, basis of everything,
You excite tender longing for the green of the spring.
Your red-tongued smile and your warm glowing eyes
Bless with health, wealth, and happiness all of our shrines.