100% worth it. We have 20 or so, foot long USB-A cables (I should have bought 6 inch). There was a tiny hiccup between configuring the script for enrollment out of the box versus re-enrolling a power washed machine, and I think next time I might have two different colored USB cables to distinguish what script is on the centipedes.
Make sure you read the docco on the Arduino Cloud scripts and storing secrets like passwords. Sketches are public, so there's a special way to store secrets.
They are a breeze, 95-98% success.
I think these are the model boards we have: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B012FOV17O/ref=pe_2640190_232748420_TE_item
Don't bother soldering on anything, just plug and go. If you have an uninterrupted long afternoon, you can probably sort everything out.
Awesome! I will pull the trigger on this if you can help me finish on the logistics. I am decently advanced in soldering, but I have almost no programming experience. If all I need to do is flash a file over usb to the add'l two arduino boards, then solder players 3 and 4 up, I can do that with my eyes closed. Are the boards pretty easy to find? Is this correct? It looks similar:
If all I need to do is flash a file to those boards (and soldering), where can I get the file?
Let me know, Thanks! Brandon
Yeah I think my Pro Micro is busted. Literally everything I've looked up has said that it should be detected by windows. I've also tried on a linux laptop but it didn't seem to work either. Any tips on going about replacing it? Do I need to buy a specific pro micro or can I just buy one that looks similar enough? I could get something like this on amazon prime and not have to wait ages for shipping.
Sadly I'll have to desolder everything in order to replace it Q~Q
It seems like the teensy 2.0 is the micro controller of choice for diy keyboards, but would something like this work as well? They both use an ATMEGA32U4 chip at 16 MHz so I figure they would, but it seems like ALL diy keyboards on here use either a pre made keyboard pcb or a teensy.
You can use the teensy, I'm currently using a pro micro which is cheaper although a little less straightforward to flash firmware for, etc. There are guides online on how to do that though.
$38.37 (considering you have a soldering iron) and don't mind doing some coding, I'd estimate it would take 20 minutes at most if your not putting much detail into it.
Library: https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/language/functions/usb/keyboard/
$2 for a 300mm x 300mm birch sheet (easy to laser engrave and cut into)
$8.99 for a Pro Micro ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/B012FOV17O/ )
$7.99 for SPST Momentary NO switches ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0752RMB7Q )
$6.40 for a 100pack of 10k ohm resistors ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0185FIOTA )
$12.99 for 30AWG wire ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KQ2JNLI )
Here's a Youtube video as well, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHIcliL4O14
Hey guys here's my Let's Split, all completed and troubleshot.
Thanks /u/wootpatoot for the PCB and /u/se7en9057 for the case!
Used this guide for building, this one for flashing.
Let's Split R2 PCBs
TRRS (CP-43514-ND SJ-43514) /resistors (1N4148FS-ND 1N4148) from Digi-key
Pro Micro controllers from Amazon (Link)
Switches/springs from Switchtop
100g Gateron Reds
78g Zealios (space buttons)
XDA Middle Earth+Ortho
I ran into a couple issues with columns not working on the right side. I reflowed all the solder points on the Pro Micro and this fixed the issue completely.
I also ran into an issue where one of the switches under the Pro Micro was bad. WHAT a pain in the ass that was, desoldering that thing is intense.
Let me know if you have any questions!
I'm pretty sure that's not a ProMicro. Here's one on Amazon, or you could get one from a community store like Keeb.io.
This is the guide that I used. I used soarer's atmega32u4 1.12 for the firmware, and I uploaded that with xloader. The links for the parts I used were:
Apart from that you'll only need a micro to USB cable which everybody probably has for their phone. You can shop on aliexpress for the pro micro, but it wasn't worth my time saving $5 for the three month shipping. You can also strip the wires from something or find a smaller quantity if you want, but this was a good deal since I plan on using the rest in the future. The female DIN probably wasn't the best price, but I couldn't find any better source on Amazon.
It was a pretty easy process. I don't have it soldered yet, but bread boarded every key except for my backspace ended up working fine with this guide. Not sure why that is, but I'm hoping to open it up and find out if that's my keyboard's fault or if it was an error on my part with the converter. You can drop me a pm if you need any more help and I'll try my best.
It is pretty easy to replace the arduino board with a new arduino micro and install the USB Game Controller driver.
Follow this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv0FTpRLFMY
Uses an Arduino Micro: OSOYOO Pro Micro ATmega32U4... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B012FOV17O?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Ooh that looks promising, is this the right Arduino? There's a lot of them with similar names https://www.amazon.com/OSOYOO-ATmega32U4-arduino-Leonardo-ATmega328/dp/B012FOV17O
IDE locks up when I try the Serial Monitor.
What physical board do you buy when you're doing one of these?
This is the one I got: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B012FOV17O/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I don't know any that are plug and play, but you can make one using basically whatever switches you want if you get yourself an Arduino Pro Micro. Just wire up your switches, write your code or use mine over on www.gitlab.com/realrobots/rr_configurator then it'll work just like any other game controller.
I've made a pretty basic video of how it works here
Then you just have to make a nice box to put your buttons and stuff in.
keeb.io is out of stock. Will any Atmega32U4 5V work? Looking at this one Amazon elite micro, I have the micro USB for the slave side.
keeb.io is out of stock. Will any Atmega32U4 5V work? Looking at this one Amazon elite micro, I have the micro USB for the slave side.
Hah, I love your reply.
Its not too bad though.
Follow this to mod for trackball support to Pro Micro
If you do attempt this feel free to DM me. I've done many custom input devices apart from the atypical keyboard.
Is this the proper chip?
Thanks so much for the help! This looks to be a fun little project.
Edit: Which pro micro do I need? Is it this one?
The one that Profet links to. It's a ProMicro Clone.
Edit: link
https://www.amazon.com/OSOYOO-ATmega32U4-arduino-Leonardo-ATmega328/dp/B012FOV17O This one, right? (I know it's a clone)
How is analogue input managed? Where can I get an analogue joystick to plug in? (Sorry If I'm asking too many questions, I'm still new to this)
Is this one alright? It looks like it has the same functionality.
You could try this project. Create a restore USB drive and a dongle with a script to walk through enrollment. Quicker than doing manually. We did with 8 or less people unboxed, restored, enrolled, and reboxed 2000 plus Chromebooks over 4 weekends.
I've heard mixed reports from other people, but I had no major issues. Your results may vary. I didn't really write the firmware since I spent so much time doing the wiring. I just wanted to get it working as soon as possible. So I just went to this site to build the firmware. Then I followed the instructions on this site to flash it. This is where I bought the pro micro. Keep in mind that those instructions I linked only apply to Unix like operating systems.
The questions were done over PM but I'll list them out for you.
I'm building an Iris soon and want to know if this Pro Micro on Amazon is the same thing as this one listed on Keebio.
Pro Micro: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B012FOV17O
Much cheaper, and you just make it stand-alone. Then you can plug it in as a USB device, as well as create a button matrix as /u/jricher42 suggested.
Cheaper, does the same thing.
I'll try reflashing the bootloader once I have access to a programmer.
A Pro Micro is NOT a Teensy Clone. Nevermind on the deal. I can get a Pro Micro Clone: http://www.amazon.com/OSOYOO-ATmega32U4-arduino-Leonardo-ATmega328/dp/B012FOV17O/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1455817760&sr=8-1&keywords=pro+micro
> Arduino Pro Micro
So you are saying this would work just fine?