> In that case, then the only way he could have moved it was with a tow truck, like this
This is not true. Could have been done with 4 of these:
Buy these then get a few buddies
OTC 1580 Stinger 1,500 lbs Easy Roller Dolly https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B000O1E4WU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fab_Y4cCFbXHR8N93
Our block chipped in for these:
Car got moved out of the way, rotated 180 degrees, pushed into the hydrant spot right across the street. It did take 4 people and $500 but it never happened again.
You could use a set of these...
If you don't mind 180lbs in the trunk, you can just move them.
The flatbed doesn't need to go anywhere.
Every towtruck has at least 2 of these.