I have the Outdoor Master Shark, and it has worked great for me. It has an internal cooling fan that will allow you to pump 3 boards in a row without stopping.
I've been using this one. The Bote one is solid too I hear so probably worth hanging on to it. Seems to take about 12-15 minutes to pump up a board, but I usually will get one going on the electric pump and start hand pumping my wifes until it gets hard to pump then just switch the electric one over. Takes about 20min total for both boards. Good time to go ahead and fill the coolers and get the other gear ready as well.
This one is rated to 20PSI and I think some people on this subreddit have them but it does not have a battery so it needs to be tethered to the car. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0819RTT4P
That's allota pumping!
I purchased a DC pump a few years ago: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0819RTT4P/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
I got this one. It's awesome!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0819RTT4P/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
*Edit: I should probably note I paid half the current cost for the pump, $85.
So I have multiple inflatable boards. I've inflated them via hand pump, a car tire inflator, and two different 2-stage pumps. I can't recommend a 2-stage pump enough.
Inflating by hand is fine. As long as you don't mind a nice workout before your workout. If you are fat and out of shape like me it is a lot of work. Trying to do more than one board? No thank you.
Care tire inflator pump with an adapter to fit my SUP was my next move. I needed a new air pump for my car, so I got one with a high volume (they can vary). The adapter isn't too expensive so if you have a pump already this is the cheapest way to go. It took about 15 minutes of pumping per board, and you need to give it a rest so that it doesn't overheat. If I had to do multiple boards I would hand pump until it takes its shape, then put it on the pump, and then begin hand pumping the second one until the first one was done. This way I could get both done without needed to take a break for the pump's sake.
Eventually I got 12v 2-stage pump. After I got it in and opened it up, the battery powered 2-stage pump I was looking at went on sale. I picked that up as well. Neither one is cheap, especially at full price. They both can fill a board from 0 to 15 psi in about 7 minutes and will auto- shut off. This is great because I can start the board, and then get my paddle set, put stuff in my dry bag, fill up my cooler, etc., and then it is pretty much ready to go, and if I take too long it will just shut off with no risk to the board. Having both means that when I invite friends to come with me I can inflate both boards at the same time which drastically reduces how long it takes to hit the water.
The two pumps I have are:
The Outdoor Master is maybe a little faster and is better for multiple boards in a row without overheating. The SereneLife is great for its battery. Convenient if you want to inflate it away from a car or if your car's 12v is in use for something else.
Deal link: Amazon
Coupon code: SHARK50O
^^Note: ^^The ^^deal ^^may ^^have ^^expired ^^by ^^the ^^time ^^you ^^see ^^this ^^post.