I love experimenting like this, but this isn't going to work you need to run some kind of amplifier or something called a line converter, this one is by pac but it will do the conversation for you.
That said, I don't know how rca cable's work, but I'm guessing the inner core is positive and the outer is negative
Youll either need a Line Out Converter or a new stereo to be able to hook up the amplifier. A line out converter is going to be cheaper, when i got my first sub/amp i ordered the PAC SNI-35 off amazon, never got a chance to use it because i got whatever junk they sold at walmart instead but it did the trick.
Id say go with a Line Out for now and just keep your eye on craigslist for a cheap new headunit because thats probably going to have higher quality pre-amp outputs that you need for the amp than a line out that isnt $100. Plus a new headunit comes with all sorts of goodies like bluetooth, USB, aux, and satellite radio that you wont have in your audi.
Hell yeah. I have DB6501's in my H3 with a fosgate r250-4 and they are surprisingly able to keep up for the most part with my 144db bass. If you can find out which speakers in the vehicle are allowing he bass to travel through them, you would be perfectly fine using a high to low level converter from those two speakers and hook it up to any amp you want that can power a sub.
I am using this cheap one off Amazon PAC SNI-35 Variable LOC Line Out Converter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001EAWS3W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_EARK44483V1A2A5C5RJB
Could that be the issue? I don’t think it’s a power issue because it works fine when I plug directly into the sub using a 3.5mm to RCA cable, so I’m pretty sure it’s an issue with the wiring with the stereo/LOC.
Yeah i guess its harder to find a harness for that amp than I thought. Well if you decide to get a LOC, ive used this one a few times and it works good for cheap.
Here's a simple loc for you, says i bought one in 2015, no idea what I used it on, but these are simple & they last.
PAC SNI-35 Variable LOC Line Out Converter https://amazon.com/dp/B001EAWS3W/
Speaker wires tie into this, then RCA cables to connect to your amp.
On the somewhat rare chance that your amp has line level inputs, your speaker wires connect directly to the amp.
The more details you can provide on your goals & what eqmt you have, the better advice you'll get.
I have installed an aftermarket sub in 2 Mk6, 2 Mk7 with Beats and 1 Mk7 without Beats. For the Mk6s and Mk7 without Beats, we disassembled the dash and used this Line out Convertor spliced into the R and L speaker lines in the wire harness of the headunit. We then ran power, remote, and bass knob along the driver's side of the car with the RCA cables running along the passenger side of the car. Remote tied into the cigarette lighter of the Mk6s and remote wasn't attached (the subs are auto sensing.) Ground wire just to whatever body bolt you can attach to.
For the two Mk7s with Beats, I spliced the same LOC as above into the sub wire harness in the spare wheel compartment. This is because the head unit is only connected via Fiber Optic. Found this out in my first install in a '19 SEL. I run the speakers flat in the bass range because I have a knob for my aftermarket sub and really enjoy it. It's a 12 inch all in one Fosgate. I ended up using a fuse tap and tapped my remote into some fuse in the engine compartment.
To answer your question about having issues with it, I haven't had any issues at all and it does help a lot. However, because in my GLI I have it spliced into the sub, there is a bad crossover in place. I've tried using my OBD11 to move it from Beats to Fender but it won't let me stating errors. It drives me insane that there isn't a crossover on the stock sub. So much so that it's rarely plugged in. Does this help?
You'll need something like this if you still have the factory radio: https://www.amazon.com/PAC-SNI-35-Variable-Line-Converter/dp/B001EAWS3W/
You'll basically splice into the speakers in the rear shelf and run the RCA cable from there to your amp.
I bought this line out converter https://www.amazon.com/PAC-SNI-35-Variable-Line-Converter/dp/B001EAWS3W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1537158568&sr=8-1&keywords=sni35
Would that fix that problem? I'm looking to tap into the wires that come right out of the subwoofer, the ones that are in the trunk.
1)be sure those RCA outputs aren't meant to be used as a "tape loop" monitor or anything like that. If they are, they have a fixed output...the master volume control on the yammy wont change their signal strength.
2)on the sub, just check the basics to start...crossover all the way up(initially), gain as high as needed to reach the desired bass levels.
3)you can always consider a high level-low level convertor for 5-10 bucks too. This would allow you to use the speaker level outs on the Yammy to power the sub.
1)be sure those RCA outputs aren't meant to be used as a "tape loop" monitor or anything like that. If they are, they have a fixed output...the master volume control on the yammy wont change their signal strength.
2)on the sub, just check the basics to start...crossover all the way up(initially), gain as high as needed to reach the desired bass levels.
3)you can always consider a high level-low level convertor for 5-10 bucks too. This would allow you to use the speaker level outs on the Yammy to power the sub.
1)be sure those RCA outputs aren't meant to be used as a "tape loop" monitor or anything like that. If they are, they have a fixed output...the master volume control on the yammy wont change their signal strength.
2)on the sub, just check the basics to start...crossover all the way up(initially), gain as high as needed to reach the desired bass levels.
3)you can always consider a high level-low level convertor for 5-10 bucks too. This would allow you to use the speaker level outs on the Yammy to power the sub.
you could use the speaker out and connect to a high gain to line in converter like this on Converter
I've been wanting to do something similar to take the guts to build a bigger speaker. In my case i'd use a small amp with high gain inputs and use the speaker output from the Mini as a signal then drive bigger speakers
Well unplug the sub from the phono input :)
Then buy a direct box for about 10 dollars at any Best Buy that converts speaker level to line level and wire it in parallel with the left or right channel.
Don't give up so fast. If you're feeling adventurous, try buying a line-out converter. Typically these are used for car stereo systems. Not sure how they will affect the impedance of the speakers and I can't guarantee that they won't blow your amp, but logically it's possible.
https://www.amazon.com/PAC-SNI-35-Variable-Line-Converter/dp/B001EAWS3W or something else like it
If you just want to get the sub working and don't care about bass management, then a line level adapter like this PAC SNI-35 would work. The wires on one side go to your L/R speaker output and then bring that down to RCA line level.
You could use a $10 line level adapter to reduce the voltage from the speaker terminals down to something around the RCA line level. It would be connected in parallel with your speakers and would not give any bass management, meaning the speakers would still be playing just as low.
Well, if it has a 12 watt speaker then it probably has a 12 watt amp driving it. But where is that amp located? Sometimes it is in the control unit, and sometimes in the horn speaker itself.
So if the 12 watt amp is inside the control unit, then you certainly could connect any sort of (non-powered) speaker to it. 100 watt would be fine, but you still only have a 12 watt amp connected to it. If you want to upgrade the amp also, that is possible too.
If the 12 watt amp is located in the speaker, then you are sending a line level signal from the control unit. You could install a new amp and speaker and send the line level signal to the new amp. However I doubt that is the case.
You will probably have to buy a converter box like this: https://www.amazon.com/PAC-SNI-35-Variable-Line-Converter/dp/B001EAWS3W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1477098770&sr=8-1&keywords=speaker+level+to+line+level+converter
This box will let you convert the 12 watt amp output, which is speaker level, down to line level. If you don't use one of these your sound will be very overdriven and distorted.
The audio is coming from https://www.amazon.com/PAC-SNI-35-Variable-Line-Converter/dp/B001EAWS3W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1477941336&sr=8-1&keywords=sni+35 one of those. I have a remote wire t-tapped into my headlights. The amp is on when the car is on. Everything works when the car is turned to accessory.
For your subs, you can pretty much get any $15-$20 loc and be fine.
PAC SNI-35 Variable LOC Line Out Converter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001EAWS3W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_Pz3xxb48SVB7F
If you dont want to wait for shipping. Im sure your local electronics or car audio installation shop has one. Best buy carrries some too, if that's by you.
It's that one. Just go with it and use RCA cables you think?
Do you want the sub volume to track with the speaker volume when you adjust it on the front of the av32? If so, get a speaker to line level adaptor like this one http://www.amazon.com/PAC-SNI-35-Variable-Line-Converter/dp/B001EAWS3W and connect it to the speaker output to get RCA for your sub.
Or use your PC to control volume, or buy a Sciit Sys.
This could be resolved by adding a high to low line converter:
High to low input adapter
> The only issue is that the audio will start tearing up if we turn the Alexa volume past 5 — but this is easily resolved by adjusting the volume on the Sonos system rather than the Amazon Echo device itself.>
If you are sticking with the stock radio I would suggest a line level converter like this. That will tie into the rear speaker inputs from the inside of the trunk and get you a low level RCA signal to feed to your amp for the sub.
As for replacing the speakers, Crutchfield lists 3 different speaker configurations for your car, 4, 7 or 13 speakers. Figure out which one you have and go from there.
Get a line out converter. Splice it into the radio harness and gives you rca outs. Just find one on Amazon with good reviews.
Edit : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001EAWS3W/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_Llk-ub0FVZFK0
Check this out
I took the wires going to the speakers, cut them and wired them into an adjustable line output converter "PAC SNI-35 Variable LOC Line Out Converter", then use RCA cables to the amp.
Glad to help,
You can buy high level to low level convertors and use a sub that only has low level inputs, but if you are out buying a new sub, it is easier to just get one with high level inputs.
I actually have one of these, but I am not using it right now:
Ive used this one a couple times and it works great. PAC Line out converter
Just order this. You won't regret it. Use RCA from this to the amp and it let's you set gains on it too. Much better.
This isn't going to work terribly well, but you may like to look into getting a high-level to line-level converter. They are quite commonly used in automotive applications - something like this: https://www.amazon.com/PAC-SNI-35-Variable-Line-Converter/dp/B001EAWS3W
It's not very expensive, so well worth a try.
You can do that but maybe use a high to line level converter (PAC SNI-35 Variable LOC Line Out... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001EAWS3W) first? Don't want to blow the active sub with too much voltage to line in.
I use this in my garage with a cheap sub so I can't account for quality. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001EAWS3W/ref=oh_aui_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It's also only good up to 50w.
This sort of thing exists if it's helpful - just make sure it can handle whatever power you plan to pump into it. https://www.amazon.com/PAC-SNI-35-Variable-Line-Converter/dp/B001EAWS3W/
PAC SNI-35 Variable LOC Line Out Converter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001EAWS3W/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_5xpmzbSC3K9V8
With the stock head unit you'll need a converter likehttps://www.amazon.com/PAC-SNI-35-Variable-Line-Converter/dp/B001EAWS3W
What if you passed it through a line-out converter?
Hi all!
I recently bought a stunning Philco 51-1736 media cabinet. Sadly the receiver is a dud, but aesthetically I like the faceplate, so I'm planning on keeping the unit.
Within the cabinet is a GORGEOUS sounding 9" speaker in mono, but it is a passive speaker. I would like to route sound to this speaker, but there is no room in the cabinet for a new full-size receiver to power it.
I have a turntable I plan on using with RCA output which DOES fit. I only want to connect the RCA output of the phono to the passive speaker and power the speaker.
Q: What is my best bet to make this work? I understand I will need an amplifier/micro receiver, but past that, I'm lost.
I have found line out converters: https://www.amazon.com/PAC-SNI-35-Variable-Line-Converter/dp/B001EAWS3W which I believe will power the passive speaker,
or small audio amplifiers: https://www.amazon.com/Aluminium-Channel-Amplifier-Receiver-DT10/dp/B018BS16FK/ref=pd_sim_sbs_23_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=1X1KB5V8S418TQ2N3ZVY that I could hypothetically wire one RCA out cable (e.g. red only) into the mono speaker wire
Or, there are these fellas: https://www.amazon.com/Yeeco-Channel-Digital-Amplifier-Amplify/dp/B011N14IK2/ref=pd_day0_469_19?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=0H7XSSXM34VRH609VQFC which I haven't the first clue as to what goes where.
I'm looking to do this with as little hardware as possible, preferably for under $40. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Such things do exist, but I think it's better to avoid them since it's likely to degrade the sound quality due to unnecessary components in the chain. Also, most of them are made for car audio, where quality standards often aren't as good.
EDIT: Looking at the service manual, it appears the Toshiba has a DIN socket. This is probably a line-level output since I understand that connector was used a lot on European gear. If that's what it is, it can be converted to RCA line-level with a cable like this or this. This is a much better option than using the speaker-level to line-level converter.
Well it's not the only way. You can also use a Line Out Converter
I think I'm gonna get this one
You could connect a line level adaptor to the left speaker terminals which would give you RCA jacks to connect to a sub. Something like this: http://www.amazon.com/PAC-SNI-35-Variable-Line-Converter/dp/B001EAWS3W
If keeping the remote control is a priority, some people have had success with line level converters. Other option is to use the tape output in conjunction with a pot in a box like one of these, but you will lose remote volume capability.
whats your oppinion on a PAC SNI-35 Variable LOC Line Out Converter ( http://www.amazon.com/PAC-SNI-35-Variable-Line-Converter/dp/B001EAWS3W/ref=pd_bxgy_422_img_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=1E592J6M4S3JYQFVEBWG )
It's not too common for an integrated amp to have a pre level output but since this is the purchuse thead, a few options are:
I would strongly suggest investing in one of those pre-amps though. It will make a bigger difference than either of the amps.
LOC is what you need I believe.
Ah I see. Isn't that issue fairly easy to fix though? Figured I could get something like this to use a powered sub with the receiver if necessary.
These 2 channel LOCs will give you left/right balance controls:
These 4ch LOCs will give you front/rear fader and left/right balance controls:
I'm not very familiar with 6 ch LOCs, but my guess would be that it has Front/Rear/Sub channels for you. However, I'm not sure how you will have control of the sub output unless your radio comes with factory wires that would go to a factory amp/sub. You would have to look up your radio's wiring harness diagram to figure that one out.
Just a quick disclaimer: I know little to nothing about audio equipment.
My dad had a decent surround sound system but his preamp for it no longer works. I have been looking in the market for a good pair of speakers for my turntable, so he decided to give them to me. The only problem is that the speakers utilize speaker cables rather than the RCA cables that I am used to.
I looked into purchasing line converters, but I was not sure if this would do the trick. I assume you can connect the wires of the speaker cables to this converter and connect an RCA cable so that it can work with a preamp that only has RCA outputs.
Edit: I forgot to include the link to the converter: http://www.amazon.com/PAC-SNI-35-Variable-Line-Converter/dp/B001EAWS3W/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1438728340&sr=1-1&keywords=line+level+converter
You can use some of the following:
(or similar speaker level to line level converters) to adapt your speaker outputs on your receiver to line level outputs, adapting it into a pseudo preamp. They are commonly used in car audio, not so much home audio setups, but I've read that folks have auditioned home systems setup this way and the adapters supposedly did not affect the sound quality in any way. YMMV
Check this out on AMZN:
PAC SNI35 Adjustable 2-Channel Line Out Converter http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001EAWS3W/ref=cm_sw_r_an_am_ap_am_us?ie=UTF8
Alright, here is the line out converter, everyone else gave it an awesome review, so I might be stupid or something.