I'm a big fan of pac lock's version. Quite good security, changeable lock cylinders, and the ability to have your side compartment locks keyed alike with things like your trailer hitch lock and bike lock, so you only need to carry one key.
But they're not exactly cheap.
There are a lot of others available out there for cheaper. Quality is going to vary a lot, of course. But almost any of those options will probably be better than the factory locks installed on your rig.
The main things I'd look for in a replacement lock are:
1: (And most importantly) Doesn't use a 751 key -- uses its own unique key.
2: Not made of chinesium, notable for being both the cheapest and the weakest metal in the universe.
3: At least somewhat decent build quality, so that it won't be openable with a screwdriver, so that it will keep working even after exposure to the elements.
Unfortunately, #2 and #3 are usually pretty difficult to determine from an online product listing.
Hey u/eastcoasternj, we recently came out with a compartment lock that you can key into the rest of your padlocks, so you still have one key! Might be something that could help beef up your current security: https://www.amazon.com/PACLOCKs-UCS-1150SRV-American-Compliant-Security/dp/B08QV8ZN4R/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=paclock+ucs-1150&qid=1613087268&sr=8-1