I'v made several ecosphere, but they all end up lifeless after 1 weeks or so...
This is what I use: https://www.amazon.ca/-/fr/gp/product/B00Q59FJHO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I really enjoy observing insect with my microscope, but after a week or so most of the biodiversity dies, minus plants of course.
I live in Quebec, Canada. I keep them at ambient temperature inside. Indirect sunlight half day.
Any tips? Dunno what am I doing wrong :/
Thank you for the reply! I strain the grains and put it in my fridge as soon as I see the yellow whey starting to appear at the bottom of the jug.
I hadn't actually been weighing the grains, I was just dumping my whole container, about one cup, here.
I have two questions actually, I see people saying they use coffee filters over the top....I've been using this fermentation jar, and lightly screwing the top on it, not all the way tight though. Does the coffee filter let it get more air?? Also, when you put the batch (with grains strained out) into the fridge with the tight cover, aren't you afraid of the jar exploding from pressure?