The Panavise 350 that Bill uses is on Amazon for about $90. It comes with the tray base for that.
PanaVise 350 Multi-Purpose Work Center
There are other, cheaper models of Panavise on Amazon, one for $26 and another for $50 if I remember correctly.
Great job Marine! You gotta get yourself a Panavise 350 to hold your locks! (Im a former Marine my self - 0351)
See URL below
You can buy it on amazon for 100 bucks
I’m by no means an experienced picker (<1 yr), but I think the night school set is probably a solid deal. I had watched a lot of these guys, LPL, & BB pick before I got started, plus had read some of the literature out there on the subject.
The night school will get you started, but I’d probably add some pry bars in .040 & .050 and a worm rake to get started. I actually recommended it to my younger brother recently. I think sparrows makes pretty good gear for a reasonable price. Just make sure to budget for some real locks too—the belt list is a handy reference—Master to start with, then Brinks & Abus would be a good bet (it’s exactly how I started).
Vise is a Panavise 350 but it can wait if you’re on a budget. It will be nice once you start picking cylinders, or padlocks with serrated pins (Paclock & American).
Hope that helps!
So I think I'm only a handful of people who uses a PanaVise. In particular, I have the 350
Works well and I know it will last forever since they're still being used at work. My only gripe about any of the vacuum base styles is the potential that if it's poorly treated the rubber could start to decay. That and how the surface needs to be super good in order to use the thing. Not knocking on anyone who uses those types of vise, but it's something I considered when I purchased mine.
Anyways, a vise is a vise and as long as you're not cranking down on it hard, it'll last. Also, if you don't plan on using the vise for anything else, then the cheaper ones will do just fine.
It's a PanaVise 350 I bought of Amazon: PanaVise 350 Multi-Purpose Work Center
Hope that helps...
Many of us use the Panavise 360:
Panavise 350 is the gold standard. If you want to go with the cheaper but good option, the harbor freight vacuum bottom vise is good as well.
Thanks! I'm using the Panavise 350
Panavise 350 and thanks.
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Excellent! Thanks for the shoutout.
I sometimes use a heat gun, but usually I just use a lighter. Keep it a couple inches away from the tubing and keep the flame moving. The tubing will get melty and might catch fire if you’re too aggressive. It also might get a little sooty from the flame, so wipe it off afterward.
BTW, I have good results with the 5/16” heat shrink tubing from Harbor Freight.
Don’t forget your 20% off coupon! The cashier will happily scan it right from your phone.
Actually, they currently have a coupon for 30% off a single item under $10 valid thru tomorrow!
EDIT: Nice PanaVise! I have a similar one from Harbor Freight that is surprisingly decent for lightweight tasks. I’m currently trying to convince myself that I need the PanaVise 350. 🤡
Thanks for this...I had this in my cart, but am wondering which jaws might be more versatile.
Bit expensive but it’s a good vise -
This is a nice add on which can also be used independently -
It's a PanaVise 350: PanaVise 350 Multi-Purpose Work Center
I use the thing Bosnian Bill uses. I will link it for you.
Edit. Here, this things is pretty nice and I have used it for other things
One solution for hand cramps: Get a vise.
BosnianBill uses the PanaVise 350.