You might want to look into a spin dryer
I haven't done it myself but I would put clothes out to dry outside. I'll do it inside if humidity is high or it's so cold the water in the clothes will freeze instead of evaporate.
I'm also considering an extra spin dryer manual or electric.
The one above I found is 300 watts and runs for 5minutes per cycle but I assume it will require two cycles.
Two cycles x 300 watts x 5 min/per cycle = 50 Wh = 0.05 kWh per small load. Only some clothes will benefit from this extra cycle.
The manual spin devices could be useful too and some exercise for you too :)
This extra spin dry will shorten the time needed hang dry outside and if inside reduce the humidity need to be removed by your homes ERV.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Panda Portable Spin Dryer for Swimsuits and Laund… | $161.58 | $161.58 | 4.4/5.0 |
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I do all laundry by hand, all of it, including blankets/quilts. I usually spin it dry using my Panda double tub laundry machine.
Have done this for years now. Arms strong like bull. heh
There's a Rubbermaid tub for washing, a cooking rack long enough to reach from one side of the tub to the other for draining and another Rubbermaid tub for rinsing with it's own cooking rack. It's all done in the bathroom. You use a clean plunger, unused for the normal type of job.
Cap of liquid detergent, have used even Blue Dawn Dish wash liquid before, fill tub to 3/4 way. In goes light coloured clothes. Goodly plunge of about three to four minutes to mix, then - this is the important part - leave the tub alone for 30 minutes or so. Go do dishes, knit on a project, watch a cartoon, doesn't matter. Back to the clothes, and another 3-4 minutes plunging.
Put the drain over half the Rubbermaid tub, and let the water drain out from the lights into the tub. This takes about 30 minutes too. In that time, you do whatever you need to do.
Repeat with rinse water, while also doing dark clothes in the wash tub.
Now, this is the fun part. I usually spin my clothes out in the spinner. Since we have a couple of nice sized batteries and solar panel, even through a window they are always full. Even in the winter.
We live in a tiny apartment with no balcony, and energy efficient windows so yeah, it's not as effective for solar gathering as all that, but to no harm.
Then I have two dollar store shower racks that I fix in the bathroom tub, and hang up my clothes on that, and also have a smaller rack for our delicates that goes in front of the window.
Looking at getting the Drummi, but it's so expensive, even though it'd clean and spin dry smaller items infinitely faster.
There's also only the two of us, and whereas we /do/ have discretionary income, I'd rather it find itself buying say, a Presto canner so I can sterilize containers for our mushroom colonies. =D
Best wishes, and if you want - linky links! (P.S. I find I get the clothes cleaner with plunging; your mileage may vary)