For a really fun take that is fairly accurate check out Patheon graphic novel about the Egyptian gods. You might be able to get it at your local library.
Here's an interesting story for you OP: my parents are Greek, and I lived a good portion of my life in Greece. Later on, I moved to a country, where there's a good portion of 2nd/3rd generation of Greeks here. They said I was not Greek because my name finished in a certain way. They then proceeded to "correct" me about the location I was living at, while being in Greece. shrug
Here's a better question: what does it mean to be of a nationality? I think 'genetics' is a very, very weak argument. But that's just my opinion man. I'm getting the impression you probably met some special characters, and though I know it can be frustrating, keep in mind that they might just be that: special characters.
FWIW, I love Egyptian culture, and been meaning to pick up a book since ages and read more about it. There's a great comic I read, and I wonder if you've seen it and have any opinions on it.
I've also passively noticed a good portion of your posts. Massive respect on working in the medical field. That's something I would never have been able to do.