i did not get the pdf either from that link my intent was to show cover of complete book. on amazon available on paperback format ,https://www.amazon.com/Panzram-Journal-Murder-Thomas-Gaddis/dp/1878923145/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=a+journal+of+murder&qid=1559417842&s=gateway&sr=8-1 no luck.
I haven't seen that documentary yet, but he did write letters to a prison guard he befriended, so it is a direct quote from the man himself. If you are interested in Panzram, I highly recommend the book from those letters. Panzram was a fantastic writer, and I believe pretty much all the crimes he admitted to, have been confirmed one way or the other.
<em>Panzram: A Journal of Murder</em> by Carl Panzram -- An autobiography by serial killer, Carl Panzram, about his exploits, rough upbringing, experiences in the American prison system, and his unlikely friendship with prison guard, Henry Lesser.
Try reading A journal of murder, telling the messed up story of Carl Panzram in his own words when he was on death row.
Don’t know if it check’s your „serial“ requirement, but „Panzram“ is written by a mass murderer himself if I‘m not mistaken
Panzram: A Journal of Murder https://www.amazon.de/dp/1878923145/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_yLQrDbD34KHQ9
I recommend two books.
Mephistopheles: The Devil in the Modern World by Jeffrey Burton Russel
Panzram: A Journal of Murder (A detailed memoir and self-analysis by a mass murderer himself)
He wrote a memoir as well.
And here's a small clip of Jordan Peterson discussing it.