Pastwatch by Orson Scott Card has kind of a similar story. They use mirrors and such to watch and study Christopher Columbus and the story flips back and forth between the future scientists and Columbus. I was oblivious to the political motivations behind the book when I read it, but it was still a good story if I remember and the concept is cool.
Spoils go to the victors. That is the nature of human expansion from pre-historic times. If the natives would have not been so few in number and more powerful then things might have been different. But they were weak and it is their own fault they were conquered.
BTW, a phenomenal book on the subject of what the americas would have been like if Columbus would have gotten lost and given the natives a little more time to catch up, is "Pastwatch" by Orson Scott Card(author of Enders Game).
I agree! Wilbur Smith is fun stuff.
Also, if not the almighty Ender, then maybe check out Pastwatch, also by Orson Scott Card.
Try Pastwatch by Orson Scott Card. It may be my favourite book. His writing isn't too complex, so it's easy to digest as well. But it's not overly simple like some modern vampire novels :|
People always say that and Speaker for the Dead are his best books but I think Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus is better.
At least as good as Enders Game and people who think Ender's Game is childish and not serious sci-fi would probably like Pastwatch better.
Also I just finished The Worthing Saga. It was pretty interesting though it does have a slight philosophical/moral theme in it for those who dislike that. It doesn't affect the story imo.
Orson Scott Card actually wrote a Science Fiction book about time travel that had this premise
There are ripples through time, often in very unexpected ways.
This question, at its core, seems simple.
I stop Columbus from discovering America by sending him to the Holy Land instead...
Aztec's take over the America's and spread to Europe searching for more sacrifices for their god... flipping the disease situation that struck the Americas and leading to mass invasion ....
For those of you wrapping your heads around the 'what-if's...." go read this...
It is all about the concept this topic is about.
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Check out Orson Scott Card's Past Watch for an alternative history take on this.
You might enjoy the book Pastwatch: the Redemption of Christopher Columbus.
Check out Pastwatch by Orson Scott Card if you have not already. Doesn’t cover you question but it’s a great read.
I have...and even some books that 'touch' on some ideas like this, but I just don't know if anyone has actually given this question much thought. I even went back and reread 'Pastwatch' by Orson Scott Card not to long ago which makes you think, what if word of columbus discovery didn't make it back, and the tribes had more time to develop before the europeans got there.
Maybe these questions are just too hard to answer given the massive amount of time and people involved.