>thermal compound like K5 Pro
Is this https://www.amazon.in/CoolerMaster-MasterGel-Thermal-Compound-Conductivity/dp/B07VFXLKNH/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=1F9EUXPOFXNIU&keywords=thermal%2Bcompound%2Blike%2BK5%2BPro&qid=1641119717&sprefix=thermal%2Bcompound%2Blike%2Bk5%2Bpro%2Caps%2C... good enough ? or can you link some thermal compound for me?
https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07VFXLKNH/ref=emc_b_5_t This stuff? Nano diamond one which apparently is a bit easier and thinner to spread for laptops.
Open up the HWiNFO CPU Core temps, you'll see a list of 8 of them.. one is more likely higher than the rest of them. "Core Temps" is an average of all 8 cores.
When connected to a charger Windows by default has a very aggressive boost algorithm, likely single threaded applications are causing the CPU cores to rocket up in temperature as they boost to high frequencies quickly, you can adjust that by downloading a tool such as PowerPlan Explorer and setting all the values the same as on DC. (what i have done on my HP Envy x360 4700u).
Single cores boosting to high frequencies can cause this to happen, as when you have 1 or 2 cores running full tilt temps can be higher than if you had all 8 going, as 1 core drawing for example 10w is much more power dense than 8 running at 15-20w.
I have found that when I once repasted my laptop poorly I did get a weird thing where my CPU cores were all getting quite hot, but the on die GPU wasn't... under full multicore load my CPU gets to around 90c and the GPU around 75-80c. With a bad repaste it was more like near 100c CPU core temps, and 65c GPU temps... The bad repaste was due to me not using enough thermal paste, i would lean on the side of using slightly more than you think you might need, than trying to use the absolute minimum amount.
The thermal paste you use matters as well, which did you use.? Cheap Arctic MX4 is *ok* but won't deliver amazing results.. Something like this (whilst expensive) will deliver better results Mastergel Maker v2. I get quite a bit better performance than OEM using high performance paste like that.
hey I just ran into this :
seems to be better thant the pro, wdyt?
Cooler Master MasterGel Maker Thermal Paste, Heat Sink Compound, with Thermal Conductivity 11 W/m-K for CPU, GPU and Laptops https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07VFXLKNH
Hi so I have shortlisted 2 thermal paste please confirm the best 1.
CM MASTERGEL MAKER - https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07VFXLKNH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_1JNA1E8TWT31JKF9EZH9 11W/mk thermal conductivity
GELID GC-EXTREME - https://www.amazon.in/dp/B002P5W4RU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_218EXB3YSAGRD7B694SJ 8.5 W/mk thermal conductivity
Does the mastergel maker suffer from pumpout please let me know. Or is GELID the best solution.
On paper the mastergel maker looks superior due to higher thermal conductivity.
My helios 300 is running at 100% CPU load constantly for WEEKS without a break. The temperature consistently stay in the 60degree celsius range. It is the best cooling system I have come across in a laptop. I was totally surprised this laptop could do this.
The trick is to put high-quality thermal paste properly. I had to put it only once in past 3 or 4 years. I only cleaned the fan vents like two times in this period for dust, but it was not much necessary.
I used the previous version of this thermal paste - https://www.amazon.in/CoolerMaster-MasterGel-Thermal-Compound-Conductivity/dp/B07VFXLKNH/ref=sr_1_9?dchild=1&keywords=thermal+paste&qid=1620543735&sr=8-9
It is expensive but really worth it.
Alright, it was a major mess up on my end. I opened my laptop for the first time in 2.5 years. The vents were extremely clogged and there was hardly any thermal paste over CPU and GPU. I was never a techie and was always sceptical of opening my laptop. It was heating even without a single open app, the temp. would read 97 degrees Celcius even in one chrome tab. I thought cleaning and repasting might help with few degrees but man am I surprised!!
Repasting and cleaning the vents+fans brought idle temp. from 94-93 to 65-69 and gaming temp. from 98-99 to 81-90. Thermal throttling is gone and it's an amazing experience now. I am getting 320+ fps on my GTX1070 model. Repasting and cleaning did their magic.
I do however have one new issue, bulging battery pack
The paste I used- https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B07VFXLKNH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Do you have a rough idea how long they'll last until a repaste would be needed? Another option I was considering is this one