> Shirtmaking is harder than it looks. If she wants to take a stab at it, here's a book on copying the pattern without taking it apart: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0823026663/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_Qq7cAb3V68CVV
I own that book and don't like it. The author doesn't properly explain how to copy darts. It might be all right for a shirt. I recommend a video course by Kenneth King offered by the Sewing Patterns Review website.
You could always measure the stretch, find similar fabric, map out the cut with pins on cardboard&tracing paper and make yourself another one. I've done that with garment cuts I couldn't part with.
Yeah. It's the demand for softer cheaper fibers. The fibers end up shorter and then TAAAAADDAAAAAHHHHH pills. Poor foxies.