Hi all, I have this simple electronic drumpad ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DRC7TRL/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_L-lcGbFY9YPFD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1)
Instead of playing with the sticks, I have started to play it with my hands and I can play the snare, hat and left crash only with my left hand, keeping my right hand completely free (there is a kick and hat pedal). How can I learn to play the toms/ride crash etc with the right hand independently? Like is there any sub/resource dedicated to this kind of instrument? I have never played traditional drums before, or pursued musical instrument vigorously until now. I am trying to learn independent motion of my limbs, along with some creative ideas as to how to play this instrument in a fun way. I want to be able to play it like more than just drums you know? Be able to Solo play it because I have my right hand free? You all feel me?