Well... I do have a copy of the book. I don't know if I can even send it to you because it would infringe on copyright laws.
But that's my point, child sexual abuse rates are high EVERYWHERE. Japan in particular has seen a huge increase in reported rates recently, but from what I've read it's thought to simply have been hidden, see here.
The big problem I see with the dialogue about child sex abuse in general is that it doesn't really accurate reflect the real world. Something like half of child sex abusers aren't even pedophiles, and something like 40% of offenders who attack children under age 12 [are juveniles themselves]. Also mentioned in that last link is that the typical offender starts offending young, around 15, and attacks in an almost compulsive fashion, molesting a large number of children most of whom never report the offense. And these people aren't strangers either, 90% of the time they're known to the child.
Does this really paint a picture to you of some guy who masturbates to neotenized anime girls/children on the internet deciding after doing this for a while that he's gonna start molesting children? It sounds to me more like one group of very broken offenders who need to be locked up for everyone's good, and one group of people who aren't even pedophiles or attracted to children; maybe they're people who can't get real relationships, or were abused themselves as children, or have really messed up power dynamics in their life that make them feel the need to take it out on children... I don't really know, but it certainly doesn't seem to me like calling people who look at Lolicon child molesters is gonna help anything and it does do real harm when people are attacked or demonized for what they're involuntarily sexually attracted to.
If you want to read more about pedophilia in general you might want to look at this book. It talks about what pedophilia actually is, many adults actually show some arousal when presented with photographs or narratives about children simply due to them being sexual in general, so the important criteria for diagnosis is showing greater or exclusive arousal to children. It also includes a lot more detailed info on offenders, recidivism rates, trends over time, and so on.
This probably isn't the place for this discussion either way TBH, so feel free to dismiss all of this out of hand if you really don't care and think it's just some random pedo apologist. It just makes me sad when I see people being told to feel ashamed about their sexuality, kinks, and what turns them on. I guess I hoped this would be a more sex positive community like the more feminist ones I see, but such is life.