One way to get big los blockers is kit bashing aquarium castles. I got this one and it blocks a lot of los and the scale is pretty good\_df\_B00061FCII/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=293019546200&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2598603485229660833&hvpone=&hvptwo=...
TRADE - SF bay area, pickup only (sorry). I have an awesome castle, see here, which I love and looks awesome in a heavily planted tank, but I have noticed my betta is losing scales because he swims through all the doorways and such.
So, looking to trade it for some other piece of hardscape - driftwood, shale rocks, etc or a handful of plants. Particularly interested in carpeting or really bushy plants for my RCS to hide in since I'm taking out their favorite spot. PM me for just a pure swap! Cheers
Yes yes!! Haha shockingly i got it in Amazon!
link it's really nice, but my betta is scraping himself swimming through it :/