We had luck with having our girl wear swim goggles to keep water out of her eyes, also using a bottle like the one linked below to rinse has been a total game changer for us!
Perineal Lavette Irrigation Bottle, (Pack of 3) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B9N9RQH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_2SGDS2DYFN9EYHA41905
I have a fairly good stock of toilet paper. But I also bought these peri bottles from Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Perineal-Lavette-Irrigation-Bottle-Pack/dp/B07B9N9RQH
These are sometimes given to women after childbirth to help with cleansing. I have these put back for each person I prep for. They don’t take up much room at all and I feel like they would be a fairly decent alternative. You won’t have to have a massive amount of water to use them and get the job done. And you won’t HAVE to use potable water.
That said, I am still going to be buying toilet paper! You can never have enough.
Perineal Lavette Irrigation Bottle, (Pack of 3) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07B9N9RQH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_3SR6M4ZVR0ZYZD6T0TTD
I keep two of these stored for each person. They can be helpful if you have a stomach bug and your rear end starts to get sore. Also just as a possible solution in case there is no toilet paper.
Here is the link. Of course they've gone up but still cheap. https://www.amazon.com/Perineal-Lavette-Irrigation-Bottle-Pack/dp/B07B9N9RQH/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=2PBNYKXS4GDXM&keywords=perineal+bottle&qid=1641508235&sprefix=perineal%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-4
Bidets can be $$$ but a rinse bottle is $ and works fine. Cheaper than a pack of baby wipes, reusable, and cleans much better too.
Can you get a peri bottle and squirt directly into the area with more force than you'd get in the shower?
Congrats! Totally normal to be nervous, but it sounds like you're planning well. Just be sure to rest, you'll do great! And I agree to stop smoking at least for now, hopefully forever. :P It's so bad for you, especially before any kind of anesthetic, and during healing. I was told to not take new vitamins, but I could keep taking the Vitamin D3 that I have been for the last year.
Peri bottles - Some say use cool water, but I preferred warm. And spray while peeing, not just afterwards. I bought the 3-pack but the most I used at a time was 2, while on my period and cleaning up.
Dermoplast spray, blue bottle - For soothing/slight numbing
Baggy sweat pants in a dark color - Go commando if it's more comfy
Donut pillow - I didn't buy one so I don't have a recommended brand or size, but I wish I had! Chairs were my enemy for weeks.
Ice packs - I just used frozen peas, but there are some nice ones that have sleeves that snap around your panties like a pad. I bet that's handy.
Period panties - They're pretty spendy, but useful especially for that first period when you can't use tampons yet. Thinx (Fun fact: if you are petite, the teen line is softer/comfier and actually fits larger than a XS womens pair), Joyja, Dear Kate, Knix, etc.
Treat yo'self - I got a subscription to Splendies to celebrate, but there are other ones like Knotty Knickers, BootayBag, or just shop for exactly what you want without the surprise of a box subscription :)
When you give birth they give you a little squirt bottle to rinse with and it's such a godsend, I've ordered more from Amazon just to keep the around when I need them! I'd squirt off and then pay dry with a towel.
Here's the cheap ones that work perfectly well.
Here's a fancy expensive one people seem to like but I've never felt a need to try
Pro tip: these are also wonderful for cleaning a rashy baby bottom! We used to hang out kiddo's bum over the edge of the sink and spray her off because she was red from so much wiping. And as a bonus, if they pee or poop during the change, you can just wash it straight down the sink!