Yes! But I fixed mine permanently with a little application of Permatex 81158 adhesive sealant silicone (just a few squirts into the weather seal, evenly spaced, on each side of the truck).$3 from Amazon
I’ve decided to buy the part and replace the inducer. Any recommendations on the seal for the triangle part? I’ve watched videos on how to replace and it seems easy. I’m thinking of getting black RTV like this:
Permatex 81158 Black Silicone Adhesive Sealant, 3 oz. Tube, Pack of 1
Yes discontinued globally is korean for "ha ha ha" If you look closely the clip has little tangs that fit over bumps on the tray, the middle one was busted on mine. Yes then the sensor has some rubber liner on thin wires. Pay attention to the routing because you want to leave slack as it turns so it doesnt snag.
Caulk might be a little too flimsly. I used the permatex automotive silicone. It has a huge temp range which I think is what did the trick.
RTV black.
I see. Its extremely small so I'd hazard to mess with it further, I will look into silicone sealants and perhaps trying to apply some with a small paintbrush
is this the sort of product you would recommend? The scratch very close to the GPU backplate so it would need to be heat resistant. I run a 3080 so the backplate gets pretty hot.
Edit: this product is rated up to 450F I used this one, $7 for a 3 oz tube which was way more than enough. Just takes a while to cure.
I replaced the sealant on the hatch light last week on my 2013 Subaru, it was fairly simple. pop off trim, unscrew light, pop out light, scrape off gasket, apply black silicone sealant, put everything back.
Followed this video:
I would get a black silicone sealant for cars not sure if it is different formula but better be safe. I didn't use a caulking gun it would be awkward to use on the taillight, just used the tube of sealant.
I used the following sealant:
Silicone adhesive. They sell it in your local hardware store too.
It's useful stuff! you can also use it to waterproof the seams of your scoot
I like this. What type of silicone would you recommend? I’ve never done this before but I’m willing to give it a shot.
Maybe something like this?
Product name: Permatex 81158 Black Silicone Adhesive Sealant, 3 oz. Tube, Pack of 1
Highest price ever: $11.07
Lowest price ever: $2.58
Average price: $7.05
Previous price: $6.95
Current price: $2.63
Last price change: -63%
Price change from average: -62%
Price change from all-time low: This is the lowest price ever!
The item was in stock as of 21/04/2021 18:14:03 (UTC)
>Silicone Seal & Glue
something like this?
They use black style adhesive like this (not sure if this brand but looks the same)
I Delided my 7700k and lost a solid 15c and I use a NZXT AIO Cooler. I used these 2 things and worked like a charm. Thermal Grizzly Liquid And this Helpful tool You can go the extra mile and use plain nail varnish to help with protecting the resistors and a little tiny bit of This My next step is for a custom water loop but planning to do it in an itx case when I upgrade next. Hopefully this was of some use.
This stuff:
I use it quite frequently to fix holes and cuts in regular tires.
A $6 bottle of black RTV can correct this on all of the AR15s you will ever own if you use this guide.