My Annotated Edition has a lot of information, but I'll try to only mention the stuff that seems immediately helpful. For one, Phantastes bears strong marks of influence from both medieval and contemporary German romances; each of these genres, while quite different, often featured young men pursuing quests that take them through highly symbolic landscapes and adventures. Additionally, the German Romantics gave MacDonald the idea of a greater reality that is immanent in the world all around us but is only discernible by childlike or poetic minds. As such, Anodos is to be taken as a poet at heart, but one very immature and in need of much growth. He eagerly pursues what he thinks is ideal beauty, but is often and easily led astray by false arts. The Alder maiden represents such a false art because she has outward beauty but no inner moral strength or substance. Throughout, Anodos suffers from the pride and base sexual lusts of youth and needs to learn what true humility and beauty are. Likewise, his Shadow represents the worst of his own nature.
Chapter 10
Through the wasteland Anodos finds a stream to lead him, which reminds me of the stream of water at the beginning. Water always seems to lead him rightly. Especially so with the broad river he finds. It's surrounded by lush plantlife, especially roses whose powerful colors and scent overwhelm him with bliss. He says he feels like he's just entered Fairy Land for the first time, and he does seem to be more happily appreciative of the nature around him than before. Whereas before he sort of pushed his way aggressively through the woods, ignoring the advice of good people and always viewing Fairy Land as a greedy tourist of sorts, now he desires to really see the Spirit of the Earth. He gets in the boat and lets the river gently take him wherever it will -- I think this represents a growth in humility, that he is not trying to force things as much anymore. Instead, he ponders a bit about mirrors and art, and how the nature of reflections might be a sign to us that there is a greater reality that we are part of. To me, this feels very much like MacDonald is trying to evoke in the reader a sense of the spiritual.
Upon hearing what appears to be gorgeous birdsong, Anodos reflects that although the deepest truths must be about deepest Joy, only Sorrow can help Joy get that deep. It's an interesting reflection about art -- one that reminds me of that quote from LOTR:
>"...there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater."
He comes to the Fairy Palace, and has to now exert will and strength to paddle the boat to the shore; if he had remained passive, he would have passed the palace by. The palace is beautifully described, I think. Grand and mysterious. In true fairy tale fashion (and reminding me much of that island of invisibles from Voyage of the Dawn Treader), Anodos mostly sees and hears no one, but has a sense that other beings are present and going about their business. Sometimes he gets brief glimpses of them. And notably, he finds a room with his name on the door (Sir Anodos, a knightly title he hasn't earned yet), and he is waited on by invisible servants who provide him food and a comfortable room. I'd be a bit creeped out, I think, but also I think that the Fairy Palace exudes a kind of goodness and peace that encourages Anodos to relax and trust.