Review with some advice here.
Manual here.
It has the two mounting screws on the bottom either side of the battery compartment so you need this adapter plate to put it on a tripod or you need to make something like it (honestly its just a plastic plate with 3 screw holes in it ;)). I would use a heavy duty tripod (although the scope isn't too huge). If you want to be fancy you can buy some used small (70mm-114mm) telescope on craiglist (things with AZ3 or EQ1/EQ2 mounts) for around $30-$50 just to get its tripod. You may even be able to get the tripod/mount alone, there are a few on ebay. You would remove the telescope and its mount and cobble up a mounting plate or a homemade wedge... the wedge is used to tilt the scope on top of the tripod so it can work as a polar mount.
Your golden with eyepieces, its standard 1.25. Lots on eBay, has lots that may be cheaper. You can always post back to Reddit for advice on the eyepieces you find.
Happy observing!