Plano box works nicely. I have one for Scythe coins (2 sets) and 1 for Merchants of the Dark Road, will get another for Xia coins.
I think Plano boxes (tackle boxes) are your best starting point. You can look up the many configurations online, but sometimes just going to your local hardware store will let you figure out the size and shape your want.
Here's an example of a small box I use for LotR and other games that don't have a ton of tokens:
Thanks for the input! Strangely enough, I used that exact Plano box for organizing band-aids and had an extra smaller case. This one seems to fit all the boxes vertically, although horizontal is preferred (more of the blade description shows).
Are you actually flying? Because I'm working on packing as many games as possible into a file box right now for easy transport, if you could do that instead. You can usually condense things like cards and pieces enough to sort them into smaller dex boxes and plano cases, and the hanging file folders work well for holding game boards and rulebooks AND keeping them sorted. I also found some small, cheap tool boxes that are almost exactly the right size for cards in deck boxes AND to fit inside the file box, so things stay sorted and are easy to unpack.
If you can't do anything like that, I'd find some plastic containers or cardboard boxes that are the right size to hold the cards for the games and pack the cards in those, with dividers to keep them from getting mixed together, and just put said container into the suitcase. I'm not sure how many other pieces you'll have, but I'd look up plano boxes for sorting them, or just put them into small ziplock bags and then all into one bigger bag if necessary. Maybe wrap the boards in some shirts or something to keep them from banging around too much and that's probably all you need to do.
EDIT: Here's what I've used to help condense things a bit
This tool box is just right for regular playing cards from end to end, and there's a bit of extra length at each end that you could use for the Coup cards, since they're a bit longer. You may need a bit of filler depending on how many cards you have and whether they're in sleeves or not. If you have a Dollar Tree nearby you can pick one up for...well, $1.
I use a plano case pretty much the same as this one for pieces for Dead of Winter. I'm not sure how many pieces you have for Catan, so you might be better off with just ziplocks, but otherwise this is definitely handy for storing tokens and such.