I recently was given this. It currently has 6 - 50W CFL bulbs that put out a lot of heat. I was thinking of replacing them with LED.
Maybe this?
Plant Grow Light 6 Packs T5 Samsung&Full Spectrum 3500K 6500K&Red LED with Auto Cycle Timer 3/6/12Hours Dual Channel 4 Brightness Level Growing Lamp for Indoor Plants from Seeding to Harvest https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086W1KK2B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_36R8DF8G19ZMZXN6Q84T?psc=1
Any better suggestions?
They come with a splitter where u can set a repeating schedule for two channels of lights, but you don't HAVE to use the timer they send you, so I just have them daisy chained into my smart plug. I think you can daisy chain 8 strips on a single outlet, if I'm remembering correctly. You're seeing in this current picture two channels each having 6 strip lights in a daisy chain.
I bought two sets of these off Amazon
Plant Grow Light 6 Packs T5 Samsung&Full Spectrum 3500K 6500K&Red LED with Auto Cycle Timer 3/6/12Hours Dual Channel 4 Brightness Level Growing Lamp for Indoor Plants from Seeding to Harvest https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086W1KK2B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_6F8PJWTWJHNW3ZM7EAJW?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I just bought some led grow light bars on Amazon. The bookshelf I use for my plants is a little too narrow for 24" lights to fit well, so my options were pretty limited.
I chose the ones I did because they are white ish in color, they hook together how I wanted to mount them, and they actually list the light intensity at different distances from the light (not just the power draw). They also have a built in timer which I didn't require, but is very helpful. I also didn't want lights that are too intense, like professional quality lights, because my shelves are relatively close together. I don't want to scorch anything accidentally.
These are what I bought: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B086W1KK2B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fab_kOaAFb73CXZ7V
They're good enough quality. Not amazing, but not bad. The important thing is that they seem to be working well. They are a nice color, not too blue ish white. My plants were looking really sad because we had a ton of smoke blocking the light over the last week or two. The air quality is better now, but I think the lights are also a big help. I've only had them up a few days, but my rubber plant is looking better already.
Keep in mind too that any full spectrum LEDs would work fine. As far as I've read, basically all white color LEDs will be fine for foliage growth. (I actually had a plant starting to lean away from the window towards my floor lamp.)
Specifically grow lights are only truly necessary for fruiting. (Plants use different light wavelengths during different stages of growth. Grow lights are made to cover all the spectrums they need. It's really cool actually!) I chose to get grow lights anyway for the convenience of the light bars, how they link together, and having the attached timer. I also like knowing the light strength and the option to attempt winter gardening indoors for food.
Thank you so much! I bought the grow lights from someone else's recommendation on this sub. Not sure how well they work yet but they have good reviews! Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086W1KK2B/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_dl_WZQY4RWBJJXK9G2J9KG2?psc=1
Plant Grow Light 6 Packs T5 Samsung&Full Spectrum 3500K 6500K&Red LED with Auto Cycle Timer 3/6/12Hours Dual Channel 4 Brightness Level Growing Lamp for Indoor Plants from Seeding to Harvest https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B086W1KK2B/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_K7WCS0JF0VBD4TD6H950?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have used these lights in all my indoor greenhouses currently.
I have these and got some Velcro adhesive tabs/ strips and put the in Velcro in a couple positions hidden beneath my shelves and I can easily reposition the lights or plants when needed. I have a few others but like these most. I also got a grow tent on Amazon that is ridiculously easy to set up and I’m wintering some of my bigger outdoor palms and succs in that.
Plant Grow Light 6 Packs T5 Samsung&Full Spectrum 3500K 6500K&Red LED with Auto Cycle Timer 3/6/12Hours Dual Channel 4 Brightness Level Growing Lamp for Indoor Plants from Seeding to Harvest https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086W1KK2B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_428P7BBVC6WPBDEXH5H3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have these and got some Velcro adhesive tabs/ strips and put the in Velcro in a couple positions hidden beneath my shelves and I can easily reposition the lights or plants when needed. I have a few others but like these most. I also got a grow tent on Amazon that is ridiculously easy to set up and I’m wintering some of my bigger outdoor palms and succs in that.
Plant Grow Light 6 Packs T5 Samsung&Full Spectrum 3500K 6500K&Red LED with Auto Cycle Timer 3/6/12Hours Dual Channel 4 Brightness Level Growing Lamp for Indoor Plants from Seeding to Harvest https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086W1KK2B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_428P7BBVC6WPBDEXH5H3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Plant Grow Light 6 Packs T5 Samsung&Full Spectrum 3500K 6500K&Red LED with Auto Cycle Timer 3/6/12Hours Dual Channel 4 Brightness Level Growing Lamp for Indoor Plants from Seeding to Harvest https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086W1KK2B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_2KMST8GVEQD5J8NCKRWH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I actually was meaning T5 type LED strips but I was high.
I’m retrofitting an old Phototron grow chamber with LED and ordered these Plant Grow Light 6 Packs T5 Samsung&Full Spectrum 3500K 6500K&Red LED with Auto Cycle Timer 3/6/12Hours Dual Channel 4 Brightness Level Growing Lamp for Indoor Plants from Seeding to Harvest https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086W1KK2B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_J2PSRKW1B0XF0V0V6ZVP
It will have 6 strips surrounding a vertical chamber about 20” in diameter. Is that enough or too much? I ordered the LUX meter you recommended. Do I shoot for 75k LUX in the center?
All full spectrum LED lights will provide benefit to your plants. It's not a difficult technology to make. Specifically "grow lights" are typically more intense than standard LEDs and/or have timers attached for convenience.
Cheaper lights with lower intensity need to be closer to your plants and on for more hours of the day. Intensity drops off pretty quickly with distance. With professional quality lights, you need to be careful to not burn your plants.
I have these lights and I'd compare them to very bright indirect light with a plant 4-6 inches away. My tradescantia is very purple, but still stripey under them. They're a bit too bright for my scindapsus to be 8 inches away.
I also have a bendy arm lamp that I got for Christmas, so I can't link. But it works well too. It's a generic brand, and I don't think had any claims about light intensity. Not as good as the strip lights I linked, but it's easy to position closer to the plants. It keeps a tradescantia zebrina stripey purple, which to me indicates at least medium-bright indirect light.
Tradescantia is a great plant to test grow lights with ime. They grow super fast and change color pretty obviously with different light.
These are the Samsung Full Spectrum 6-Pack from Amazon. They were a house warming gift as we’ve moved to a more wooded and less sunny space. My questions / concerns:
Can grow lights burn your houseplants? I’m assuming the intensity is way less than sunlight.
Do I need both sets of lights on the two upper bars or is this too much light for such a small space?
Do the plants need to be further away from the lights? Closer? How do you determine this?
What brightness setting should I set them to, the are 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%?
Thank you!
I did not want to have the purple light vibe in our bedroom. A nice white light was what I was looking for but did not want to sacrifice the lighting for our plants. These are the ones I went with. 👍🏼
Lol thanks! It’s really frustrating though since they still get water on their leaves and I’m resulted to absorbing the water drops with tissue paper. The grow lights are these. I use three strips to a shelf. The plant food is a HYPONeX brand for flowers and vegetables. 6-10-5 but I don’t weaken by half, more like a quarter way. (Should I be weakening halfway??) The soil that I use is a perlite, vermiculite, and peat moss mix. Some of the AVs with the overgrown leaves on flower stems are planted in it. But this one in particular has stayed in the pot that it was purchased in. The soil looks like it’s prominently made up of Akadama soil.
So I have 3 rods inside each plant so basically the stuff that wouldn't be getting light anyway, I have a magic butter machine so I don't totally strip them.
These grow lights: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086W1KK2B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_A9D4VB13FAEA823CYZYJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
And I like to believe that me staring at it and telling it how beautiful it is every day helps!
It highly depends on your set up. Some of the professional quality grow lights would straight up burn plants in many home setups, where the plants are sometimes 2 inches or less from the light.
I bought these grow lights and attached them on the underside of shelves (wanted the ikea vittsjo, but got this bookshelf because the ikea one was out of stock).
A couple reasons I chose these lights over other options. First is they fit on the shelf I bought. Many light bars are 24 inches long and wouldn't fit on my setup. I wanted a white ish color, not the blue purple color. These look great. They include a timer so I don't have to turn them on and off every day. Super handy.
And most importantly, these actually list the PPFD light brightness. Running these for 12 hours at the distance I have my plants from the lights works well for the light requirements of my plants. This calculator is super handy. Most of them are getting equivalent of bright indirect light because I run the lights for 12 hours. (I say indirect, because these lights are nowhere near as strong as direct sunlight.)
> It does take a minute to get them all switched on and off every day.
Oh! Get you a timer! Grow lights on timers are the only way I manage.
these are my fave https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B086W1KK2B/
But I also have a clip on one like this: https://smile.amazon.com/EZORKAS-Dimmable-Spectrum-Adjustable-Goosencck/dp/B086XCJ29B
These guys. They've only been up a few weeks but so far so good.
My apartment (outside of Boston) is very dark so I’ve been on a grow light binge recently. I also like strip lights ( just bought these guys: 6 Packs Plant Grow Light T5... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086W1KK2B?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) But my Monstera is super happy under this GE bulb GE BR30 Full Spectrum LED Grow... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NN6SVG6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I usually just buy cheap clamp lights for the fixtures or really inexpensive desk lamps with clips and they work great!
(And apologies for the ugly links and formatting!)
I bought 2 sets of these! https://www.amazon.com/Samsung%EF%BC%86Full-Spectrum-3500K%EF%BC%86Red-12Hours-Brightness/dp/B086W1KK2B
Plant Grow Light 6 Packs T5... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086W1KK2B?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I used to use these for a while, and although they still worked better than the sun from my windowsill, I received some recommendations to get better ones. Now I use these and also these, and I'll alternate my succulents every week or so between both lights (just one or the other, not both at the same time).
These are for my plants and on my top shelf
These were a cheap set from amazon: Amazon T5 grow lights
I use the lights in the link below and they work just fine for starts. Depending on how wide your shelves are you might need 2 per shelf. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086W1KK2B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_C40DAZPSVTNEBTDAH2QP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I use led grow light strips under the shelves amazon link. They are hidden and work very well.
For the top shelf, use a light arm/clamp. This is the prettiest lol Amazon link
Yup! I have two separate types here - the white ones and the purple ones. I keep them on 12 hours a day since they're on a timer :) honestly I'm not sure how much the white ones help the succs but they make the room feel a lot nicer so its worth it to me! The purple ones need to clip on something so I just have them clipped to the cover of a heavy hardcover book :x you can kinda see it in some of the pictures here. LMK if you have more questions!
Honestly I think the hardest part is the adjustment, when I move them from outside to inside they lose some luster and some leaves until they get used to the new, more limited light. Don't lose hope!
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No heat at all and I just switched to these about a month ago. Works pretty good with the inside buds. Just supplemental.
I bought these and I'm really liking them: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B086W1KK2B
As far as the real cold goes, how much you need to worry depends on the plants you have... you could get a mini greenhouse (I don't have this one, just a random link I found) and just heat that. Mount the lights to the shelves and you have a self contained thing.