I think the best solution is to make a huge shading project at the outskirts of every city to bring down the temperature. A megaproject.
I think using those large electric pylons/towers and making them arranged into a grid then connecting them with square shaped reflective mylar the same stuff used to reflect off car dashboards or green houses would bring temperatures down.
Power pylons super tall around 100m
A quick calculation if each pylon is 400m apart that would provide 160,000 square metres of shaded area!
The volume for each square is around 400m x 100m x 400m (width x height x length) that is 16 million cubic metres of shaded volume.
So wind coming from the NW through the desert will enter this and leave much cooler and without using power at all.
Trees although great will need time, water, and care which is expensive.
I have personally seen the effect of cooling in large open warehouses the temperature drop is enormous. No power or air conditioning and it is only a small warehouse around 50m x 50m
I wonder if there are any civil engineers & climate scientists that may think the efficacy of this proposal. Maybe it may be made open to development.
Tl:dr Use large electric towers to construct a mega shade project to cool down summer hot wind temperatures.