Budget: 50$
Source: PC
Isolation: Some preferred.
Type of headphone: Full-sized, closed.
Past headphones: Plantronics .audio 355
What I would like to improve: Comfort, they hurt my ears after prolonged use.
Uses: Gaming for the most part.
I am no audiophile by any means, so comfort is #1 priority.
While my current headset sounds okay to me, my ears will start to numb and hurt after a couple of hours of gaming.
Link to current: https://www.amazon.com/Plantronics-Audio-355-Multimedia-Headset/dp/B001J30FZM
Would I be better off just getting more comfortable replacement earbuds (if possible), or should I buy a new headphone altogether?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
If you want to go really cheap, I've been using this Plantronics Headset for about 3 years now. It's probably not the greatest piece of equipment, but I don't have any complaints, and it hasn't broken yet. Sound quality is still good and the mic works fine for what I do. I put in ~15k matches in World of Tanks with a clan using coms, and it worked perfectly through all of that as far as sound and mic quality.
Budget I'm thinking $200
Source My home computer
Requirements for Isolation I'll be using these at home, so it doesn't matter
Preferred Type of Headphone - Full sized
Preferred tonal balance Not really sure what this means.
Past headphones Plantronics .Audio 355 Multimedia Headset
Preferred Music - Mostly Rap/hip hop, with some rock every now and then. Also gaming.
Location - USA
I'd recommend against wireless, but that's just me.
I just bought this: http://www.amazon.com/Plantronics-Audio-355-Multimedia-Headset/dp/B001J30FZM/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1296508755&sr=8-15
For $20, it's hard to beat, it works perfectly, with great sound out and in.
"Loud" keyboards are mechanical ones. There's a sub dedicated to them, r/MechanicalKeyboards, it can be a bit overwhelming for a beginner but they have a question thread stickied that people check a lot. I ended up getting this one: https://mechanicalkeyboards.com/shop/index.php?l=product_detail&p=3630, it's a "60%" keyboard meaning everything from the arrow keys to the numpad are chopped off, I only use this one for gaming so I have more room for my mouse to move.
Corsair is a big name brand and they have mechanical keyboards, I have an older one of theirs that was good. You can see theirs here: https://www.corsair.com/us/en/Categories/Products/Gaming-Keyboards/c/Cor_Products_Keyboards, under "rgb gaming mechanical keyboards" and "gaming mechanical keyboards".
For headset I just use Plantronics, they are good quality and sound good for the money. Judging by the pictures it looks like I have an older version of this one: https://www.amazon.com/Plantronics-Audio-355-Multimedia-Headset/dp/B001J30FZM (I don't see a model number on mine, I bought it like 6 years ago, still going strong!)
I got this one: http://www.amazon.com/Plantronics-Audio-355-Multimedia-Headset/dp/B001J30FZM/ref=pd_sim_e_4
Works good, no complaints.