I use the Plantronics Blackwire C3225 in my home office. The mic is excellent and the sound is fine (I'm not an audiophile though, so my standards are pretty low). The ear buds swivel so it folds flat, but it definitely wouldn't fit in your pocket. It does come with a carrying case though:
Plantronics Blackwire 3225 USB-A Headset, On-Ear Mono Headset, Wired https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0775LWQRL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_6C4D9NDATC0ZTCEET13H?psc=1
Plantronics / Poly C3225 @ ~$60 is our standard headset.
Trying to use a speakerphone or laptop mic+speaker arrangement in a cube environment is just fail.
Plantronics Blackwire:
We've bought like a thousand of them for our entire company (everyone who wants one anyway).
I'm not usually swayed by advertising/marketing materials but this one has always given me a warm and fuzzy:
No idea why the images won't load on that page, but in a nutshell it's the story of 1960s NASA, with their seemingly-unlimited budget, and hard-core engineering driven requirements reached out to Plantronics to design and manufacture all of the communications headsets for the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo space programs.
When Neil Armstrong spoke to us from the surface of the Moon, he had a Plantronics headset in his helmet.
If they were good enough for 1960s NASA, they're good enough for me.
Just a couple years ago Plantronics merged with Polycom to become a new business named "Poly" so the Plantronics brand is fading away into history, but the products live on with new branding on them.
My compliments to /u/CaptainFluffyTail for good, simple wisdom.
You're one of the technology guys. Demonstrate comfort, if not mastery of the technologies of the meeting.
Use the video!
Review your lighting. Review your background. Clean things up. Present the right image.
If you have a professional headset, use it.
The microphone integrated in your laptop is almost certainly shit.
Lighting should be in your face, from behind the camera, not from overhead.
This Headset might not be the best image to be the memory your CTO keeps of you after the meeting.
Get a Plantronics BlackWire 3225, you won't be sorry.
If your WiFi is in any way dubious or temperamental, might wanna plug a wire in for the event.
Think strategic. Focus on big picture.
Will the office re-open anytime soon?
Should we be investing in more remote-work technology?
Should we delay in-office technology investments?
Everybody has a work from home "office" but that environment probably wasn't designed to be used for 40+ hours a week.
Can we / Should we help employees improve their home-office environments?
That $99 office chair a whole lot of people bought is perfectly adequate for working from home one day a week, or one trouble-call per month.
But sitting in that damned thing for 40 hours is no-bueno.
If a bunch of projects have been whacked, can some funds be re-allocated to training?
There are lots of good deals on distance learning out there.
Don't bring up detailed, specific technical problems unless they are high-visibility concerns that the Boss should know about.
But don't be afraid to ask about a high-level concern, such as your help desk getting crushed with trouble tickets providing support for home networks, which are complicated problems that take a long time to resolve. Can you add a surge-resource / contractor for 6 or 12 months to assist?
Don't be afraid or terrified of your humanity being exposed on the call.
If your dogs go bananas, or if your toddler runs in to show you his firetruck, don't worry about it. In fact roll with it. Heck, introduce little Billy to the Boss man.
You are a human, with a family (I assume), making-do with COVID. Don't hide the realities of the situation, if they show their heads.