Those are very real concerns, and I think it's disgusting that so many women/partners of LEO have to consider that in making any moves.
Maybe consider preemptively reaching out anonymously to a domestic violence helpline for tips on how to preemptively protect yourself from... well.. anything that comes up in the future with this guy.
Yes, but this is actually kind of the point. Police are accused of protecting their own in other heinous situations as well - e.g. domestic violence. It’s just that the specific complaints you mentioned are less common and/or less consequential than racism or domestic abuse.
This news article breaks down the studies. One is from 1990 and the other from 1992. The main site with the studies is currently giving me a 500 error, so I'll link to news articles that are referring to it. I believe with the original study, the 40% number comes from a self reporting questionnaire, but the site is down right now.
This article is an interview with Alex Roslin author of Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence.
Here is a study from 2000 that examines domestic violence in the police. This paper put the number around 28%.
Essentially, the answer is that this is a good statistic and there is little to debunk.
Few departments have performed internal inquiries – as we know there’s little self-regulation – but journalists and universities have looked into it, and some have shared personal accounts:
This news article breaks down the studies. One is from 1990 and the other from 1992. The main site with the studies is currently giving me a 500 error, so I'll link to news articles that are referring to it. I believe with the original study, the 40% number comes from a self reporting questionnaire, but the site is down right now.
This article is an interview with Alex Roslin author of Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence.
Here is a study from 2000 that examines domestic violence in the police. This paper put the number around 28%.
As many as 40% of police officers have abused their intimate partner or child. Authorities mostly ignore the widespread violence.
source :
Maybe just slip a copy of this book in her Christmas stocking.
From u/FTThrowaway123 in this thread
Police Brutality at Home: Cops Abuse Wives and Kids at Staggering Rates
Domestic abuse is 400% higher in the law-enforcement community
In terms of better statistics, there are qualitative studies ones which look at police organizational culture and how it breeds attitudes which often normalize violent behaviours amongst police officers such as police brutality, discriminatory attitudes and violent tendencies. Claire Renzetti's criminology reader examines this from an external crime-management perspective (IE police attitudes causing problems in how domestic violence is policed etc.), but there's also this comprehensive article by Barbara Armacoast that examines the relation between organisational culture and deviant/violent police behaviours.
There's also the book ''Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence', an award winning book on the subject.
Police Brutality at Home: Cops Abuse Wives and Kids at Staggering Rates
Domestic abuse is 400% higher in the law-enforcement community
In terms of better statistics, there are qualitative studies ones which look at police organizational culture and how it breeds attitudes which often normalize violent behaviours amongst police officers such as police brutality, discriminatory attitudes and violent tendencies. Claire Renzetti's criminology reader examines this from an external crime-management perspective (IE police attitudes causing problems in how domestic violence is policed etc.), but there's also this comprehensive article by Barbara Armacoast that examines the relation between organisational culture and deviant/violent police behaviours.
There's also the book ''Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence', an award winning book on the subject.
Police Brutality at Home: Cops Abuse Wives and Kids at Staggering Rates
Domestic abuse is 400% higher in the law-enforcement community
In terms of better statistics, there are qualitative studies ones which look at police organizational culture and how it breeds attitudes which often normalize violent behaviours amongst police officers such as police brutality, discriminatory attitudes and violent tendencies. Claire Renzetti's criminology reader examines this from an external crime-management perspective (IE police attitudes causing problems in how domestic violence is policed etc.), but there's also this comprehensive article by Barbara Armacoast that examines the relation between organisational culture and deviant/violent police behaviours.
There's also the book ''Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence', an award winning book on the subject.
Is an award winning book enough, boot licker?
>Ryan (n.d.) examined the extent of domestic violence in the police family. This study used a survey of 210 police officers and self-reported data obtained from tests that were taken by applicants for law enforcement positions with several law enforcement agencies. The survey found that 54 percent of the officers knew an officer who engaged in domestic violence. The self-reported data showed that 10 percent of respondents (148 candidates) admitted that they had engaged in acts of violence toward a spouse or intimate partner, including slapping and punching. Male respondents were 67.6 percent of the sample, and 32.4 percent were female. Subsequent investigation of these candidates found that only one of the 148 candidates who engaged in violent acts became a police officer.
Also a great book on this topic:
Jon Stewart also has an incredible podcast episode on The problem with: it's worth checking out, he also talks about it quite a bit in his gun violence episodes and police violence episodes.
the study from the 70s only addresses the divorce rates in law enforcement. At the time the number was 75% of married officers ended up divorced.
The 40% number study was originally in 1991. Here is a link to the study:
the embarrassed police department said: iT iS dUe tO ThE StReSs CoPs EnCoUnTeR, nOt aLl cOpS aRe BaD.
times were good, and people left it at that. They were self reporting mind you, and the study counted kicking or hitting your spouse with a closed fist as MINOR violence (I felt disgusted just typing that, their study not mine). Major violence concluded in hospitalization.
The study was redone in 2017 with a wider specimen selection and similar results, and further conclusions of what we know today:
(here is a link to the book:
these numbers are under reported.
It is NOT stress, because paramedics, nurses, firefighters, ER Surgeons/doctors don’t show nearly the same rates (theirs is 6x less, on par with all civ pop) of domestic violence while experiencing similar or even more stress than cops.
It’s a control thing, and the police who abuse power are the same that will beat their spouse/kids when they feel they are getting out of control.
Police officers who work vice/night or swing shift are way more likely to abuse their spouses physically.
Cops and biker gangs beat their spouses at the same rate.
TL:DR: stop attacking things you don’t like/agree with. And if you are one of these rat bastard cops, just stop beating your wife and kids altogether. (stop writing the narrative. While all cops may not be bastards, you probably are).
Perhaps if the ranks of police weren’t also rife with domestic abusers they might do a better job.
Some sources have the rate of DA in the police at 15 times the rate of the general population
And if you bootlickers want to downvote me, produce evidence that police commit domestic abuse a the same or lower rate than the general populace.
If you can’t then we are just debating exactly how much more violent the police are to their spouses.
Well-Being. Hearing before the the Select Committee
on Children, Youth, and Families. House of
Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, First
Session. Printed for the Use of the Select Committee
on Children, Youth, and Families." suspecting 360,000 of the then 900,000 officers of domestic abuse. * Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence by Alex Roslin is an entire book on the domestic abuse. * "Black and Blue Bloods: Protecting Police Officer
Families from Domestic Violence" by Rafaqat Cheema goes into how other officers protect police that abuse their spouses from consequences
If you google it there are piles of them, although one of the best write ups on the topic i have come across is this reddit thread. There is also this book Police Wife which is pretty informative and sites the 40% number. There was also a pretty comprehensive yahoo article on the topic.
It could be way more than 40% actually, although it probably is not less than 40% (which is distressing). Because of the lack of information i'm sure, if you really wanted to, you could construct your own narrative around it to fit your personal feelings.
PSA: If you or someone you know is the victim of domestic violence involving a police officer, THERE IS HELP AVAILABLE from organizations who specialize in helping domestic violence victims for the families of police officers. Some information:
Domestic violence is 2 to 4 times more common in police families than in the general population. In two separate studies, 40% of police officers self-report that they have used violence against their domestic partners within the last year. In the general population, it's estimated that domestic violence occurs in about 10% of families.
Special Problems for Victims of Domestic Violence from Law Enforcement members:
If Your Batterer is a Police Officer
Police Brutality at Home: Cops Abuse Wives and Kids at Staggering Rates
Domestic abuse is 400% higher in the law-enforcement community
It's a well known fact.
I'm sure you don't actually care about domestic violence, but In terms of better statistics, there are qualitative studies ones which look at police organizational culture and how it breeds attitudes which often normalize violent behaviours amongst police officers such as police brutality, discriminatory attitudes and violent tendencies. Claire Renzetti's criminology reader examines this from an external crime-management perspective (IE police attitudes causing problems in how domestic violence is policed etc.), but there's also this comprehensive article by Barbara Armacoast that examines the relation between organisational culture and deviant/violent police behaviours.
There's also the book 'Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence', an award winning book on the subject.
PSA: If you or someone you know is the victim of domestic violence involving a police officer, THERE IS HELP AVAILABLE from organizations who specialize in helping domestic violence victims for the families of police officers. Some information:
Domestic violence is 2 to 4 times more common in police families than in the general population. In two separate studies, 40% of police officers self-report that they have used violence against their domestic partners within the last year. In the general population, it's estimated that domestic violence occurs in about 10% of families.
Special Problems for Victims of Domestic Violence from Law Enforcement members:
If Your Batterer is a Police Officer
Police Brutality at Home: Cops Abuse Wives and Kids at Staggering Rates
Domestic abuse is 400% higher in the law-enforcement community
It's a well known fact.
I'm sure you don't actually care about domestic violence, but In terms of better statistics, there are qualitative studies ones which look at police organizational culture and how it breeds attitudes which often normalize violent behaviours amongst police officers such as police brutality, discriminatory attitudes and violent tendencies. Claire Renzetti's criminology reader examines this from an external crime-management perspective (IE police attitudes causing problems in how domestic violence is policed etc.), but there's also this comprehensive article by Barbara Armacoast that examines the relation between organisational culture and deviant/violent police behaviours.
There's also the book 'Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence', an award winning book on the subject. But let's not pretend any of that matters to thin blue line worshippers. Y'all could personally witness a cop beating his wife and children's faces in, and you'd turn a blind eye to it, or blame them for "disrespecting him."
PSA: If you or someone you know is the victim of domestic violence involving a police officer, THERE IS HELP AVAILABLE from organizations who specialize in helping domestic violence victims for the families of police officers. Some information:
Domestic violence is 2 to 4 times more common in police families than in the general population. In two separate studies, 40% of police officers self-report that they have used violence against their domestic partners within the last year. In the general population, it's estimated that domestic violence occurs in about 10% of families.
Special Problems for Victims of Domestic Violence from Law Enforcement members:
If Your Batterer is a Police Officer
Police Brutality at Home: Cops Abuse Wives and Kids at Staggering Rates
Domestic abuse is 400% higher in the law-enforcement community
It's a well known fact.
I'm sure you don't actually care about domestic violence, but In terms of better statistics, there are qualitative studies ones which look at police organizational culture and how it breeds attitudes which often normalize violent behaviours amongst police officers such as police brutality, discriminatory attitudes and violent tendencies. Claire Renzetti's criminology reader examines this from an external crime-management perspective (IE police attitudes causing problems in how domestic violence is policed etc.), but there's also this comprehensive article by Barbara Armacoast that examines the relation between organisational culture and deviant/violent police behaviours.
There's also the book 'Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence', an award winning book on the subject. But let's not pretend any of that matters to thin blue line worshippers. Y'all could personally witness a cop beating his wife and children's faces in, and you'd turn a blind eye to it, or blame them for "disrespecting him."
police officers are more likely to have psychopathic traits
Law enforcement agencies specifically looking for a traits, common within psychopaths, resulting in significantly higher proportions of psychopaths and sociopaths within such organizations.
You can demand to wait until enough police abusers cop to their own abuse. But keep connecting the dots (or maybe even speaking with wives and girlfriends of police) and it adds up.
The excessive brutality we see in police on the street doesn't just disappear when they go home.
there's a shit ton of data showing that they are abusers: