> but power over the lives of the poor through disproportionate control over political policy, infrastructure, media, ect.
I used to believe this until I read Politics is for Power. It's just not born out in reality that these billionaires have anywhere near the power people think they do. Money doesn't buy votes. We saw that in the 2020 democratic primaries.
In the same way there is a diminishing returns for each movie ticket bought by an individual (I assume you've heard this classic analogy), the same is true for money and power. It's why I'm okay with progressive tax policies. That extra 1 million dollars after the first million is not as impactful as a million dollars for a poor person.
We as individuals could become more powerful than any multimillionaire in our local politics if we were willing to dedicate our time over decades. A couple dozen of us could become more powerful than any billionaire. It's really a dedication thing to move away from political hobbyism and instead towards boring but effective actions.
But who knows, maybe you have something to back up your position that money does buy power and doesn't have a significant diminishing returns. I'd love to read about it.
It works as a long-term strategy. See [Politics is for Power[(Politics Is for Power: How to Move Beyond Political Hobbyism, Take Action, and Make Real Change https://www.amazon.com/dp/1982116781/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_i_VRW5TJRH7S5ZB0K59X1J) by Eitan Hersh
For individual elections, simply getting your established voter base to the polls is vastly more effective.
The best thing to do is a mix of both. Door-knock year-round, get out your base at election time.
Man, I used to say stuff like this before I read politics is for power. One of Democracy's problems is it actually works. American people just don't care about foreign policy. We don't care about conflict after 2 weeks and we only got a couple years in us to care about a war.
>The news decides what you want to see not the other way around.
This one is a weird cycle. A lot of news agencies are for profit and even with their political bias, they want viewers. So if they try to put some narrative out and it doesn't stick, they'll drop it and try something else.
e geniala cartea asta https://www.amazon.com/Politics-Power-Beyond-Political-Hobbyism/dp/1982116781 si vorbeste exact despre asta
Die richtigen Leute wählen. Diese Bewegungen bringen zehntausende auf die Straße, schaffen es aber nicht, Leute dazu zu bringen, sich zu Wählergruppen zu organisieren und strategisch Wahlbezirke zu erobern bzw. gute Kandidaten Sitze zu verschaffen? In den USA geht man von Tür zu Tür und spricht Leute an. Das nennt sich "Canvassing". Ich finde das der beste Weg durch das politische System verläuft. "Politics is for power".
Politics Is for Power - Eitan Hersh
the only ones I remember are "politics is for power" and "How to win friends and influence people"
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Eitan Hirsh is cited in this article. He wrote the book that inspired Destiny to be political IRL.
Here's Destiny's interview with Eitan: https://youtu.be/erDf13Y2n08
>Because you are washing away the suffering of billions with the world "Generally". That's just inherently wrong and can always be called out in a just world.
https://globaldatalab.org/shdi/shdi/ so where are the billions of people suffering because of this generalization? This score is aggregating together education, health and standard of living. Things are getting better across the board. I don't understand the "billions of people are suffering." What matters is "we had 5 billions suffering 30 years ago, but now we only have 1 billion suffering." This is how you have to think about things. If there is a particular area you are passionate about improving, then go do it and improve it. If you want to argue that we could accelerate this improvement of humanity, I love that! I'm all ears. However we have to understand that we are experiencing unprecedented levels of societal improvement everywhere in all classes of people decade over decade.
> Poor people, as the population expands, have less individual power to influence politics in no small part because the cost of entry to standard media channels precludes many normal citizens as you now have more channels of media to cover and more people in general to influence.
I highly recommend the book Politics is for power. If you really cared enough and put the work in, you could be a major player in your city's politics. This seems like something you value heavily.
I believe you are talking about this: Politics Is for Power: How to Move Beyond Political Hobbyism, Take Action, and Make Real Change
What are the policy issues in his suburb? Does his suburb allow for new housing construction, including subsidized housing? Or what are the policy issues in his county? Are there metro-wide organizations working on various community issues, and if so, what are those issues?
Or suggest he read Eitan Hersh's book, "Politics Is for Power: How to Move Beyond Political Hobbyism, Take Action, and Make Real Change". https://www.amazon.com/Politics-Power-Beyond-Political-Hobbyism/dp/1982116781