I was so nervous when we had our first overnight. We both were.
We made plans of spending the entire time between the sheets (or on the couch, or against the wall, or in the shower lol), but ended up only having sex once the entire time. The rest of the time we reveled in being able to act like a normal couple. We went on a hike, went out to dinner, caught a show, sat outside on the patio drinking and talking about anything and everything. It was great.
Flüssignahrung (Suppen) und grundsätzlich viel trinken helfen ein wenig, aber im Endeffekt würde ich „BeforeYouGo“ empfehlen - 1-2 Pumpstöße in die Schüssel bevor man geht und es wird „erträglicher“
Poo-Pourri Before-You-Go WC-Sprühflasche, origineller Zitrusduft, 7 ml https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0108XRDJE/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_a_PPCQ927DT2KHW8ZTXG7K
Get something to mask the smell like Poo-Pourri. If your shit stinks that bad, then it could be your diet.
Get yourself some poo-pourri. Can't get rid of the smell, may as well cover it up.
Yo! This man is preaching the poo gospel. I'm getting some of this tomorrow.
Thank me later: Poo-Pourri PS you spray the bowl before you shit and it creates a magical scent lid with the film it creates on the water
Poo-Pourri Before-You-Go Toilet Spray, Original Citrus Scent, 2 oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0108XRDJE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_YskVDbX7F3Z6T
Ah, that makes more sense.
So, you could install a small fan in the window to help minimize the sound in the bathroom. Obviously, that won't help with smells, which you probably don't want being blown into the kitchen. Best option that I can think of for the smells is Poopouri spray . It coats the surface of the toilet water with oil, so it traps any smells.
Alternatively, you could install a super-cheap accordion style door on the laundry room, for under $100
I think this could help some comrades here. This stuff really works !
Carry one of these in your utility belt.
That shit works.^No^pun^intended.