That is what I'm hoping to achieve! A few days ago I used a REALLY smelly resin (first time printing too). And even though it was in a basement, with an exhaust going out the window, the whole basement was smelling bad, some got to the first floor, and a bit got to the second floor.
Just... really.. bad.. resin... But then it got me thinking (and got me a bit paranoid) of how if the smell can get all the way to the first and second floor, that means that are some harmful particles that can also get to the first/second floor and be around myself, family, and pets. So I got a little paranoid there.
So I was thinking if I can do it outside, my contraption is pretty ghetto (in my head), but I think it might work.
So I was thinking of putting the printer outside, covering the printer with a big garbage bin that would be flipped upside down, a hole will be cut in the garbage bin with a flap to cover it. The while would be used to check on the printer with out lifting the garbage bin.
+ Inside of the garage bin would be a small/portable heater, that incase the temperature starts to dip below 23 degrees, it'll turn on and heat up the garbage bin.
So the two issues I have with this (all in my head) is A) The small heater ( either burning the garabage bin, or burning the printer wires. Even if its hung at the top of the garbage bin. and B) If there is not enough stability on the table that it would be resting on, and the wind blows and it shakes the table a bit, thus shaking the actual resin inside the prnter.