Oh man. I really hope you and your family stay safe. The wanton disregard America has shown to its citizens throughout this whole situation is really saddening. Do what you can to protect yourself. If you have the money to spend, Amazon sells FDA approved KN95s at $25 for a pack of ten: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087M2T7NP/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_i_m9qWFbAP6NT0Y
They're available on Amazon for the moment.
FYI, KN95 is the Chinese certification for the same level of protection. This year, I believe the FDA (?) announced they would recognize KN95 as equivalent without additional testing or certification.
>makes all of us wonder if this trip to the grocery store is the one where we catch it.
I feel the same way but I started feeling better when I could purchase decent KN-95 masks off of Amazon.
This brand has security numbers you can check to make sure the masks aren't counterfeit:
I only wear expensive masks like these for going to the supermarket or other dicey places.
They are about $2 for each mask.
$2.61 per mask. It's made by Powecom, just like the one /u/grendus linked. It only takes like 5 minutes to find it on Amazon
See above. Given the lack of data and some research I found online I chose to move on from them. I landed on these.
Powecom KN95 Face Mask on FDA EUA... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087M2T7NP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Deal link: Amazon
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Get yourself some FDA-authorized KN95 masks. Amazon has them as does Bona Fide Masks.
Is the rink masks required?
These masks allow only 1% through )independant testing), and are *very* comfortable and breathable:
You can stack 2x on top of one another, that's what I do.