Would highly recommend using some KT tape.
I have messed up knees as well and KT tape has been wonderful for me, especially when paired with a soft sleeve.
Something like this:
I wear knee sleeves under my pads. They work great. Wear them for squatting, too. Look at my profile and see my recent squat video too see them in action. I’d say look at my skate posts, but they’re under the pads.
Here’s the one I use, from Amazon amazon link
Less than $20. Keep at it! 💪
For minor knee pain, a compression sleeve helps. It keeps the knee warmer, and the compression feels more stable. I used some last year when I had pain in some of the small ligaments and tendons surrounding the knee. You may get some relief from patellar tendinitis.
For more serious knee pain, the compression sleeve is unlikely to help.
Tendinitis is an over-use condition. Rest is the cure. Ice and anti-inflammatories are stop-gap measures. You probably know what causes your tendinitis. Stop doing that for 4-6 weeks.