First off, I just want to echo /u/rjwm's excellent comments. Start barebones, and add/seek out knowledge as you find a need, otherwise you run the risk of not having the proper context to help solidify your learning.
Neil's <em>Practical Vim</em> was and still is a helpful text for me. It's what really opened my eyes to what is possible with vim and got me more excited to keep using it.
However, when it comes to actually learning vim, I advise you to DO things with it, more than read about it. In my experience, repetition and mindfulness are key here.
For example, whenever I see some capability in vim that catches my eye, I write it down on a sticky note and have that command in my peripheral vision while I'm working to serve as a low-key reminder.
More often than not, by the end of the day, I will have encountered a situation that sparked the reminder, and then I'll reference the note to actually DO it. Over time, these little sprinklings of vim knowledge and awareness add up.
That's how I went through Neil's text. Not as a huge drink-from-the-firehose slog, but methodically. Read a portion, make a note of what interests me, then wait until I get in the habit of using that feature until I move on to the next one. You may be surprised how quickly you can progress in this way if you're diligent :)
Good luck!
Not a video, but the book Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought by Drew Neil is the best resource for moving beyond vimtutor I've found. Received 4.7 out of 5 stars on Amazon. (109 reviews)
Edit: Looks like Drew Neil does the Vimcasts linked to in the sidebar to this sub.
Vim is worth the time. is the best book I came across. Worth its weight in gold.
Although, I find myself in spacemacs quite often lately (using vim keybindings).
Works for me, too.
Here's a different link to the book on Amazon UK.
If that still doesn't work, the ISBN is 978-1680501278.
Amazon link INSTEAD
i recommend at least knowing how vim uses modal editing. i highly recommend the book Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought
I personally bought a udemy course + Practical Vim + random online resources, along with having a vim cheat sheet printed out that I kept at my desk at work. Then I just forced myself to practice through the frustration/learning curve. I'm sure youtube has plenty of quality tutorials, but I can't personally vouch for any specific ones. Anytime I felt like I was doing something inefficiently, I would try to look up a better way to do it, and there usually was something that expanded my ever-growing repertoire.
One of the things to note is that I am not necessarily advocating learning vim the text editor, just the commands. In my experience trying to turn vim into a functional IDE was far more time-consuming and frustrating than just using a vim plugin on an existing IDE/editor. Many tutorials/books will cover aspects that wouldn't apply to things outside the vim text editor itself. However, if you do want to learn vim (the actual editor) and try using that as an IDE with plugins, by all means go ahead. It just didn't work out for me, but I'm still immensely satisfied with having learned it. I'll tell anyone who will listen how amazing vim is without hesitation.
This is of my favorite advanced python videos is this:
The presenter is using vim for the presentation and he's able to edit/write code while he's talking in real time without skipping a beat. A quick example is at 52:52 when he wants to time the code. You can see he adds a line before the print, and two after. Then he copies the lines at 53:15 and takes about 6-7 second to add them all to the other print statements. Then right afterwards he uses the undo command (pressing u in command mode) which let's you undo operations in blocks. He presses that a few times and by 53:30, he's back to where he was at 53:15, all while explaining what he's trying to accomplish from a coding perspective. If you're familiar with vim this is normal usage, to someone not familiar you'd be left wondering how he did that so fast.
If you have the time, then I would recommend trying vim for basic tasks to see how you like it. Work on an article, or write email in vim and then paste it into your browser. Try to make it your go-to for editing text.
Here's a fun game to try to get used to the commands:
Also, I keep Practical Vim at my desk for reference. is an excellent resource. I'd also highly recommend Drew Neill's (the guy behind those screencasts) book, Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought (Amazon, ~$18-19).
Beyond that, the folks at /r/vim can definitely give you some excellent pointers and tips, and answer most questions. Be prepared for many of the responses to be "Have you checked the help yet?" It's less about elitism, and more about the fact that vim
comes with exhaustive documentation built right in...almost any answer you need can be found within.
If you're into books, I recommend Practical Vim