I don’t have an infographic, but there’s a pocket sized booklet called “pray the rosary” with a blue cover that you can get for like 3 bucks that effectively does what you described. here’s the Amazon link. It goes over how to pray the rosary and then has scripture for each mystery of each category. The original version doesn’t have the luminous mysteries, but there’s a new version with those included if you want those as well.
I use a booklet to say my Rosaries (I'm new at it) but it also has long versions available where you say a sentence or so of scripture related to the story of the Mystery before each Hail Mary (and a 2nd option to say in the middle of the Rosary after "Jesus" adding "who... [did x thing]". It also has artwork you can look at while saying the Hail Maries. Here's a link to the booklet Pray the Rosary: Peyton, Patrick: 9780899420523: Amazon.com: Books
Yes it goes into depth on each mystery and has a short and long version prayer for each. The long versions have entire scripture readings you can recite.
It’s well worth the $3 it cost on amazon
Pray the Rosary https://www.amazon.com/dp/0899420524?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I recommend these things:
Praying the Rosary Like Never Before
I really enjoy the first little booklet- it's cheap but shows you exactly what to do... it takes time to get used to it, but I love doing the Rosary with scripture readings... essentially while getting to the part where you're meditating on a mystery you read a scripture the you say the Hail Mary but you in the middle of the Hail Mary you add a different clause after the word Jesus.
You read the scripture: Then they went to a place that was called Gethsemane, and Jesus said to His disciples, "Sit here while I pray."
Then you say the first half of the Hail Mary: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus...
Then the booklet tells you what clause to add that goes with scripture/reflection.... ...the fruit of thy womb Jesus... Who experienced anguish in the Garden.
This continues in this pattern for 10 Hail Mary's for each decade. The booklet will give you pictures/explanations/and outline when certain mysteries are reflected upon.
There are Anglican crosses and Anglican rosaries but I really do enjoy the standard Rosary Catholics use... Seeing Jesus's suffering through Mary's eyes is a powerful exprience...
I got this book off of Amazon to help me with the same thing! Very cheap too. :)