You can order fox piss online (for hunting purposes) and man.. that would get ANY dog going nuts. Spray it around the station and you'll have the dogs off leash running all over in no time.
It's commonly sold online. It's useful for a variety of things such as an anti-Christmas tree theft device. Doesn't stop the initial theft, just all future ones.
See if you can get this from Amazon in Canada. You would have to re-spray after it rains, but it may move them along to someone else's yard.
Inspect the yard and your building very carefully. Raccoons only hang around for food and shelter. If there is no food source visible, check the house, roof, etc. for intrusions. They start nesting when weather gets colder and will tear a hole into an attic to den up for the winter.
Or, go for broke and use literal urine.
Horses hate fireworks. Disperse the cavalry with some Jumping Jack's thrown between you and the horses. Trigger PTSD in some of the cops with military experience using strobe rockets fired over them.
Fox pee is incredibly pungent and doesn't come out easily. Use it as a non-toxic anticop solution.
There are ways to resist that are non-violent. If the cops continue to use violence against peaceful protestors, then it's time to use more radical nonviolence.
Go get em OP
But ya sealing exterior is the only real way
Can confirm it's available on Amazon
Had to check. I mean, this is Reddit, and you might have been taking the piss.
I've read that spraying predator urine will help keep pests at bay.