We finished covering about 10-12 chapters right now. However, the teacher does not "assign" book reading, she teaches using slides so sometimes she can squeeze two or three chapters in a week of classes. In regards to topics, we covered evolution, cellular respiration, the cells, the cell cycle, taxonomy, and biochemistry (water chemistry, functional groups, protein structure, etc.)
Edit: I don't find the lectures very useful because it is basically just slides so it's hard for me to understand, so I read the chapters at home (except for when it is clear we are going at too fast a pace, aka three chapters in one class). Right now, I read about 10 or so chapters from the campbell book.
Edit 2: I also use this book, it's a short overview of campbell written directly from the book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0133458148/ref=olp_product_details?ie=UTF8&me=
I used the most underrated but best reviewbook ever (Pearson) + Barron's https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0133458148/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
If anything, get the first one's newest edition (if there is one) because the authors of this book specifically pulled out main ideas from the campbell book that the test will test
For AP Biology, I liked Barron's and this book: https://www.amazon.com/Preparing-Biology-School-Pearson-Education/dp/0133458148/ The second book is basically an outlined version of the Campbell Textbook. I found it really helpful and easier to read.
This is a great book for both prep and studying during the school year, especially if you are using the Campbell textbook. I have seen and used both Princeton and Barrons, and this is the only prep book that actually integrates the themes and trends of biology, which is pretty much the whole test. It's also the book our teacher recommends, and their class had a 100% pass rate last year.
That said, Barrons would be a great choice too during the school year since I'm guessing your tests will be mostly factual based.
If you're looking for good practice tests for AP Prep, the one's in our subredit repo will be the best.
I found a review book on Amazon that goes right along with the Campbell book. It was very helpful with narrowing down the important parts of chapters. I found it to be really helpful when studying for tests. This is the book: Preparing for the Biology AP* Exam (School Edition) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0133458148/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_1bIXxbW6EJETA
The Pearson-Holtzclaw review book that accompanies the Campbell textbook is hands down the best review book for AP Bio. Here's a link to it on Amazon:
Preparing for the Biology AP* Exam (School Edition) (Pearson Education Test Prep) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0133458148/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_r6XwFb4HJ5SD8
AP Bio (at least at my high school) wasn't incredibly difficult imo. It was pretty work-intensive though, I would say. I would recommend using Pearson as a review book, as it really does a gj of covering the content you'll need to know for the AP Exam. Although, keep in mind, Physio is no longer (effective fall 2019) part of the AP Bio course, so that part of the review book is no longer relevant.
Also, definitely check out Bozeman Science videos for AP Bio! They're definitely really good at explaining a lot of concepts tested on the AP Exam fs. I definitely feel like watching all of them (+ taking notes, making sure I really understood everything, etc) helped on the AP Bio exam this year.
And definitely check out the AP Bio course description! I haven't looked at the most recent one (fall 2019), but I definitely referenced the older one as I was studying— and that definitely helped me narrow my focus.
If you have any other questions, let me know for sure! :)