It is a uni/college course book, so might get "too complicated" and the subjects are obviously more related to corporate/professional rather than personal environments.
ps. You can probably google a pdf version.
There's the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) that is a qualification you can study towards. There site has more info on training / books. Obviously this is vendor specific...
Alternatively there is Principles of Information Security which as you will see on Amazon UK and US has mixed reviews. For one of my courses this is the recommended texts however I would say it more definitions of things rather than a guide, if that makes sense.
Bruce Schneier has a good range of books and in the Information Security world he is considered on of the "goto" people. He also has really interesting email newsletters that I'd recommend signing up to.
Then of course there is National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that have a good range of documentation and articles. Again they have newsletters that you can sign up to that email you when new threats or vulnerabilities are found.
Finally just read news articles about recent Hacks / Vulnerabilities sometimes the writer makes comment on what went wrong and why, so you can learn from them.
Hope this helps. :)