Pro-LifT T-6903D Double Pin Jack Stand - 3 Ton, 1 Pack
Not sure exactly what you’re talking about as far as a “special” stand. I have two sets of the 6 ton versions of these. Work great. 3 ton sets are more than enough for a little car.
Wonderful question my friend!
I don't know.
I mean, they're "Amazon's choice", have over 400 reviews, one of the highest ratings, and supposedly support much more weight than the car itself, so I figure that's enough for me to trust them :P
I got a pair of pro-lift double locking jacks from Amazon and they’re very well built. Here’s the link Pro-LifT T-6903D Double Pin Jack Stand - 3 Ton, 1 Pack
I just bought these (locking) jackstands : Pro-lift
They work like a treat, and are reasonably light (for jackstands)
Deal link: Amazon
Thanks I have 4 of these bad boys coming.
Well 4 total or 2 sets.
I got these Jack stands with extra locking pin: Pro-LifT T-6903D Double Pin Jack...