You clearly need this:
please disabuse yourself of the idea you are trying to explain it to me. there is very small chance to succesfully explain something you do not understand.
not only you are in your effort to simplify it presenting such nonsenses like "you can get only one lottery ticket per week", the metaphor "1 lockbox and 1 key is one lotto ticket for this week", you are using trying to wrap your mind around the situation is fundamentally wrong.
lottery and lockboxes are completely different mechanism, so you cant really substitute them in your head. while lottery is a drawing from finite number of tickets, where one is guaranteed to win the main prize, lockbox gives you chance in every spin.
guess what - in lottery, you can simply buy all tickets and have guaranteed first prize (you will loose money anyway, because lottery has negative roi). that can't happen with lockbox, because there is no finite amount of them. you can buy as many as you can afford and get nothing.
and btw openig multiple boxes with multiple keys and getting repeated run on the same box with multiple keys is the same propability situation with the same results, but that is really not core of the argument.
so again, this could help you to wrap YOUR mind around it -
> The same way that buying a lotto ticket this week doesn't increase my odds of winning next weeks draw if I don't win.
no, but buying multiple tickets this week increses your chance to win this week
> You would be correct if you could use multiple keys on one box to increase your odds of getting a ship, but thats not how it work.
yes, i am also correct if i can use multiple keys on multiple boxes
> You only get to buy 1 ticket to this weeks lotto, one for next weeks etc etc
not really, you can buy as many tickets as you can afford
i suggest unless you want to make fool out of yourself some more...