That's a magnetic mount ground plane antenna. You can use it, but it won't give you the best performance unless you have a sheet of metal to put under it (like a car roof, or a non-aluminum pie pan, or a file cabinet, toolbox, ...). And if your dongle came with one of the nicer telescoping antennas that NooElec's do these days, you basically already have one.
I used this one, ProComm JBC180M3 stuck on random metal bits for a while and it served me well. It also has a standard 3/8"-24 screw joining the whip to the base, and the whip itself is fastened with a setscrew, so if I wanted I could reuse the base with a different length element (just a piece of stiff wire cut to length). Unfortunately, it seems to be discontinued. (Not that I did a thorough evaluation — I just bought something cheap off Amazon.)
The one you linked apparently has loading coils (the lumps in the middle) which means it'll do better at the specific bands it's been designed for, but its overall performance across the entire range will be worse than a plain whip.
For reliable standalone performance, you want an antenna which has “both halves” in a single unit — vertical dipole (tricky to mount), j-pole, discone, or one with radials/ground plane built in (look for a circle of horizontal elements sticking out of the base).