From one Noob to another.. If you haven't already, pick up a good reference book, or a good book for beginners. Its helped me tremendously. I too am familiar with some electronics components, can solder, etc. I know what I want to do with the hardware, but dont know how to write it. Programming Arduino by Simon Monk 2nd edition is great for noobs. ISBN 978-1-25-964163-3.
The one book I would recommend for any people getting into Arduino would be Simon Monk's Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches.
For your books, I'd start with the jumpstarting Arduino 101. Skip the breadboard one - just watch a 5min youtube video to learn how it works.
I posted this a few days ago:
I recommend Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches by Simon Monk. He also wrote a sequel to it called Programming Arduino: Next Steps. Both of these books focus on the coding aspect of arduino.
Jeremy Blum has a book called "Exploring Arduino" that I also recommend. This is more general arduino learning and doesn't go as in depth into coding as Simon Monk's books do. He also has a youtube series that teaches Arduino.
In this case you're mostly buying the books and not getting that much hardware. In particular that kit seems to skimp on some of the small cheap components like resistors.
For about the same money you could get these:
Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, Second Edition (Tab)
Elegoo Mega 2560 Project The Most Complete Ultimate Starter Kit w/ TUTORIAL, MEGA 2560 controller board, LCD1602, Servo, Stepper Motor for Arduino Mega2560 UNO Nano
Total: $70.19