> How did you get started with iOS development?
I really liked the idea of being able to build something that you could like go on the bus and look over someone's shoulder (non-creepily) and see them potentially using something you made, an iOS development/mobile development in general really appealed to that side of me.
So back in high school I bought a book on Objective-C for beginners (I had absolutely no programming experience) and just read it through some boring classes. Eventually I felt confident enough to start building some small apps which is when it got really fun.
> And is Apollo codebase mostly Swift now?
It is! I was lucky enough to be at Apple when they unveiled Swift (like literally in the next room) so I was super jazzed about it and got a lot of initial experience with it and I loved it, so Apollo's been 100% Swift from the get-go. It's an awesome language and quite beginner friendly once you get past the optional stuff which is only slightly difficult to get your head around.
My best advice is to avoid "It's easy to write an app" tutorials. They put you in way over your head and when there's something wrong with the tutorial (or you mistype something) you flounder.
Instead focus on "the basics" of programming. For loops. If statements. Basic control flow. Variable assignment.
Next focus on understanding Object Oriented Programming. It'll take a while to wrap your head around it, but it's the foundation of everything Apple provides you to write apps.
For these two steps I used this book but you might want to find something based on Swift, since that's the new hip thing.
Then you start learning Apple's frameworks. Do a bunch of tutorials. Write your own app. When you realize it sucks and you'd be embarrassed to share it with anyone dump it and start over. Write lots of apps that do stupid little things. Make them bigger. After a few times you may have something cool, but more importantly you'll have learned a bunch of stuff you can't learn by doing tutorials.
Try to remember when it's late at night and you're crying with your head down on the desk because you can't get it to work that programming is fun. (That's sarcasm, but you need to know that even expert programmers went through it too. If you keep plugging you'll get better.)
+1 for Kochan. Incredible book
This was the book that I learned objective c from. https://www.amazon.com/Programming-Objective-C-6th-Developers-Library/dp/0321967607
Steve Kochan's book on Objective-C is really good. https://www.amazon.com/Programming-Objective-C-6th-Developers-Library/dp/0321967607
>Stephan Cochan
Not sure if it's a bug on Amazon UK, but it allows me to see the vast majority of the book without even buying it.
Then you didn't search enough https://www.amazon.com/Programming-Objective-C-6th-Developers-Library/dp/0321967607
I mentioned it a few places elsewhere. I'll copy the reply below:
The exact four books I read are:
iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
However, I would now recommend learning Swift instead of Obj-C. At the time when I was looking into iOS books, good books on Swift were few and far between.
The exact four books I read are:
iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
However, I would now recommend learning Swift instead of Obj-C. At the time when I was looking into iOS books, good books on Swift were few and far between.
It gets harder and harder as time goes on because a lot of the new books, editions and tutorials are converting to Swift.
Two of my favorite books for Objective-C are Stephen Kochan's Programming in Objective-C Sixth Edition and Big Nerd Ranch's Objective-C Programming.
Unless you're a voracious learner, I probably wouldn't read through the whole book but instead just use it for reference while also continuing your training in Swift. As someone else mentioned in this thread, most of your Objective-C work will probably be bug fixes or interacting with some Objective-C frameworks like RestKit. That means you'll have a plethora of codebase to look at and learn from.
From OP:
>The exact four books I read are:
>iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>However, I would now recommend learning Swift instead of Obj-C. At the time when I was looking into iOS books, good books on Swift were few and far between.
From u/AlCapwn351 in regards to other sources to learn from:
>www.codeacademy.com is a great site for beginners (and it's free). It's very interactive. W3schools is good for learning stuff like JavaScript and HTML among other things.
>When you get stuck www.stackoverflow.com will be a lifesaver. Other than that, YouTube videos help and so do books. Oh and don't be afraid to google the shit out of anything and everything. I feel like an early programmers job is 90% google 10% coding.
>It's also good to look at other peoples code on GitHub so you can see how things work.
Hopefully you can find some helpful answers, guidance, or a starting point in these responses.
From OP:
>The exact four books I read are:
>iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>However, I would now recommend learning Swift instead of Obj-C. At the time when I was looking into iOS books, good books on Swift were few and far between.
From u/AlCapwn351 in regards to other sources to learn from:
>www.codeacademy.com is a great site for beginners (and it's free). It's very interactive. W3schools is good for learning stuff like JavaScript and HTML among other things.
>When you get stuck www.stackoverflow.com will be a lifesaver. Other than that, YouTube videos help and so do books. Oh and don't be afraid to google the shit out of anything and everything. I feel like an early programmers job is 90% google 10% coding.
>It's also good to look at other peoples code on GitHub so you can see how things work.
From OP:
>The exact four books I read are:
>iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>However, I would now recommend learning Swift instead of Obj-C. At the time when I was looking into iOS books, good books on Swift were few and far between.
From u/AlCapwn351 in regards to other sources to learn from:
>www.codeacademy.com is a great site for beginners (and it's free). It's very interactive. W3schools is good for learning stuff like JavaScript and HTML among other things.
>When you get stuck www.stackoverflow.com will be a lifesaver. Other than that, YouTube videos help and so do books. Oh and don't be afraid to google the shit out of anything and everything. I feel like an early programmers job is 90% google 10% coding.
>It's also good to look at other peoples code on GitHub so you can see how things work.
From OP:
>The exact four books I read are:
>iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>However, I would now recommend learning Swift instead of Obj-C. At the time when I was looking into iOS books, good books on Swift were few and far between.
From u/AlCapwn351 in regards to other sources to learn from:
>www.codeacademy.com is a great site for beginners (and it's free). It's very interactive. W3schools is good for learning stuff like JavaScript and HTML among other things.
>When you get stuck www.stackoverflow.com will be a lifesaver. Other than that, YouTube videos help and so do books. Oh and don't be afraid to google the shit out of anything and everything. I feel like an early programmers job is 90% google 10% coding.
>It's also good to look at other peoples code on GitHub so you can see how things work.
From OP:
>The exact four books I read are:
>iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>However, I would now recommend learning Swift instead of Obj-C. At the time when I was looking into iOS books, good books on Swift were few and far between.
From u/AlCapwn351 in regards to other sources to learn from:
>www.codeacademy.com is a great site for beginners (and it's free). It's very interactive. W3schools is good for learning stuff like JavaScript and HTML among other things.
>When you get stuck www.stackoverflow.com will be a lifesaver. Other than that, YouTube videos help and so do books. Oh and don't be afraid to google the shit out of anything and everything. I feel like an early programmers job is 90% google 10% coding.
>It's also good to look at other peoples code on GitHub so you can see how things work.
From OP:
>The exact four books I read are:
>iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>However, I would now recommend learning Swift instead of Obj-C. At the time when I was looking into iOS books, good books on Swift were few and far between.
From u/AlCapwn351 in regards to other sources to learn from:
>www.codeacademy.com is a great site for beginners (and it's free). It's very interactive. W3schools is good for learning stuff like JavaScript and HTML among other things.
>When you get stuck www.stackoverflow.com will be a lifesaver. Other than that, YouTube videos help and so do books. Oh and don't be afraid to google the shit out of anything and everything. I feel like an early programmers job is 90% google 10% coding.
>It's also good to look at other peoples code on GitHub so you can see how things work.
This should answer your first question.
From OP:
>The exact four books I read are:
>iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>However, I would now recommend learning Swift instead of Obj-C. At the time when I was looking into iOS books, good books on Swift were few and far between.
From u/AlCapwn351 in regards to other sources to learn from:
>www.codeacademy.com is a great site for beginners (and it's free). It's very interactive. W3schools is good for learning stuff like JavaScript and HTML among other things.
>When you get stuck www.stackoverflow.com will be a lifesaver. Other than that, YouTube videos help and so do books. Oh and don't be afraid to google the shit out of anything and everything. I feel like an early programmers job is 90% google 10% coding.
>It's also good to look at other peoples code on GitHub so you can see how things work.
From OP:
>The exact four books I read are:
>iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>However, I would now recommend learning Swift instead of Obj-C. At the time when I was looking into iOS books, good books on Swift were few and far between.
From u/AlCapwn351 in regards to other sources to learn from:
>www.codeacademy.com is a great site for beginners (and it's free). It's very interactive. W3schools is good for learning stuff like JavaScript and HTML among other things.
>When you get stuck www.stackoverflow.com will be a lifesaver. Other than that, YouTube videos help and so do books. Oh and don't be afraid to google the shit out of anything and everything. I feel like an early programmers job is 90% google 10% coding.
>It's also good to look at other peoples code on GitHub so you can see how things work.
From OP:
>The exact four books I read are:
>iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>However, I would now recommend learning Swift instead of Obj-C. At the time when I was looking into iOS books, good books on Swift were few and far between.
From u/AlCapwn351 in regards to other sources to learn from:
>www.codeacademy.com is a great site for beginners (and it's free). It's very interactive. W3schools is good for learning stuff like JavaScript and HTML among other things.
>When you get stuck www.stackoverflow.com will be a lifesaver. Other than that, YouTube videos help and so do books. Oh and don't be afraid to google the shit out of anything and everything. I feel like an early programmers job is 90% google 10% coding.
>It's also good to look at other peoples code on GitHub so you can see how things work.
From OP:
>The exact four books I read are:
>iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
>However, I would now recommend learning Swift instead of Obj-C. At the time when I was looking into iOS books, good books on Swift were few and far between.
From u/AlCapwn351 in regards to other sources to learn from:
>www.codeacademy.com is a great site for beginners (and it's free). It's very interactive. W3schools is good for learning stuff like JavaScript and HTML among other things.
>When you get stuck www.stackoverflow.com will be a lifesaver. Other than that, YouTube videos help and so do books. Oh and don't be afraid to google the shit out of anything and everything. I feel like an early programmers job is 90% google 10% coding.
>It's also good to look at other peoples code on GitHub so you can see how things work.
He modificado mi comentario anterior, ahora es mas especifico. Ese manual, al que te refieres, requiere saber C o algo, tiene lagunas.
> Although it’s preferable to have some familiarity with C or one of the C-based languages such as Java or C#, this document does include inline examples of basic C language features such as flow control statements. If you have knowledge of another higher-level programming language, such as Ruby or Python, you should be able to follow the content.
Es decir, a la hora de la verdad, necesitas conocer mucha terminología C (enum, const, typedef, etc.) para entender código (incluso de Apple), el de Swift lo cuenta todo o un 98% y evoluciona con el lenguaje.
De todas formas me refería más a las páginas web bien indexadas puedes acceder a ellas con culaquier navegador (lo malo que con conexión) y desde cualquier dispositivo. No me gusta mucho iBooks prefiero los PDFs o webs.
A mi para Objective-C me ayudo más este libro y hombre yo había programado algo antes en otros lenguajes y con C había jugueteado un poco
Espero ansioso tu opinión al respecto, ademas tu eres de los que aprendiste y te desarrollaste en Objective-C, a mi me ha pillado a medias.