I use the below product. I lightly powder the nesting box after I clean it out and then put new nesting material on top of the powder.
Works 100% every time and without fail. I clean my nesting box once a week and I always do two treatments. I have had backyard chickens for three years and I need to treat the nesting box about once a year.
Before I found this product my chickens were looking really bad and my nesting box had mites.
I believe in science and I know how to follow instructions so I don't care about homemade natural remedies.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much trouble. The easy way is to get some Permethrin insecticide dust into the nest so it kills them all, including the queen. Look for it in the garden department, usually in a vegetable dust. I put some in a long tube (so you can stay away from the opening and just puff hard to blow it in. The wasps will track it in as they come and go, and they'll all die within a few days.