Look at videos on YouTube about bracing correctly when you’re lifting. Yoga has helped me a lot, I’ve been doing the program that kneesovertoeaguy wrote up as well. As a few others have said, increasing mobility in your hips, strengthening your core help tremendously too. One tool that has helped me a lot too is a psi-rite, another guy that I follow online is squatuniversity.
PSO-RITE Psoas Muscle Release and Deep Tissue Massage Tool - Psoas, Back, Hip Flexor Release Tool - Ocean Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DPCLWWH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_K9F4D3JY6WXK2MKYM3NH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Talk to Dave. Also, look up "Psoas" and get yourself a "Pso-rite".