They tried everything on. Right to the end they truly believed their parents would get them off. Their parents sounded right charming: When Yelena Shram’s mother accosted Igor’s mother, the latter reportedly looked her right in the eye and said ‘Maybe your daughter was just destined to die’.
>The defence team for Igor and Viktor tried every tactic from having the photos and videos thrown out of evidence, due to them being obtained by an improper search, to a massive conspiracy cover-up to protect the ‘real culprits’ who they said were rich and famous. They argued that the confessions had been obtained through torture, although only Alexander had shown any signs of being beaten up.
>When it came their turn to testify, the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs turned on each other. According to Papa Saenko, Viktor was himself a victim, terrified of the psychotic Igor, who had forced him into participating in the slaughter. He claimed a sort of Stockholm syndrome, and an ever-growing psychological dependence on Igor, arising from the fear the enigmatic younger boy had instilled in him since before they were teenagers. Viktor claimed Igor had made both direct and implied threats of violence, and that he had convinced him that he could ensure all of the blame fell upon Viktor should they ever be caught.
- serial killers on the internet
There are unsubstantiated rumours that their parents managed to pay some other boys to take their places serving their prison sentences
The third maniac, Alexsander, has finished his sentence and is married with children
>I believe he killed the person who killed his mom
That was his Dad, and he did it while he was in prison. The first person he killed was a man who cheated his father, when he was 14
True crime author here. I try to strike a balance between describing victims, perps, and investigations, and often it depends on what information is available and who will speak to me.
Sometimes, describing the victim in detail is essential. For example, I write about spree killers the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs in one book. They killed over 20 people, and there was a varying amount of information about each victim. However, their most 'famous' victim was the man in the video they produced, 3 Guys, 1 Hammer, which went viral on gore sites (don't look for it, it is sickening and traumatizing).
When writing the book, I felt it was really important to explain who that man was, and a couple of chapters of the book is spent describing him, his family and his life. I felt that if readers could come to know gentle grandfather Sergei Yatsenko, then they could not be desensitized to the horror of that video that is circulated as some kind of sick litmus test for how much gore a person can handle.
He was known as Pedrhino Matador ("Killer Petey") and his story is wilder than you can imagine.
Pedro's capacity for revenge was astonishing, and he was often dubbed the "Dexter Killer" because of his penchant for killing murderers and rapists. He also went through a sort of black magic ritual that he believed made him invincible.
He is out of prison due to Brazil's limits on incarceration and likes to cook and has a Youtube channel.
His story is featured in the book Serial Killers on the Internet, along with the story of the teens behind the video 3 Guys, 1 Hammer and the infitenly less Dexter-like "Dexter Killer" Mark Twitchell.
I saw this book: suggested on this sub a couple of days ago and have since purchased it and read a few dozens pages. So far I'm loving it!
Basically it explores serial killers popularized by the internet, so I'd say it fits the theme of this sub
Check out the book "PSYCHO.COM" for even more details about the case
Not completely true. He killed a bunch of trans prisoners in a fit of homophobia
14-year-old Vadim Lyakhov escaped the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs (the theen psychopaths responsible for the video "3 Guys, 1 Hammer"
>On 7 July 2007, 13-year old Andrei Sidyuk and 14-year-old Vadim Lyakhov from Podgorodnoe, around 15 kilometres from Dnepropetrovsk, woke up extra early to head off to catch fresh fish as a treat for their mothers. The two young friends had gone fishing together many times and usually had a third boy with them, but their friend was not allowed out for this trip. At 3:00 am, it would still be dark for some time and the other boy’s mother was afraid something might happen to him. Andrei and Vadim, who were not subject to such rules, set out on their bicycles carrying nothing but their fishing rods.
>As they peddled along the familiar country road leading to the Samara River where their dinner waited to be caught, a foreign car overtook them. The green Daewoo taxi stopped a little way ahead and its occupants got out and stood to the side of the dark road, their backs to the approaching boys. Andrei and Vadim were pedalling furiously and there was nowhere to go but straight ahead unless they wanted to make an about-turn, something they did not have time to think about or discuss before they came upon the car.
>As the teenagers approached the silhouettes standing ominously by the road, both strangers turned and swung sharply at them with heavy sand-filled pipes, knocking them off their bikes. Andrei was knocked out cold immediately, but 14-year-old Vadim managed to jump up and started running. As one assailant approached the unconscious child, he screamed at his friend to ensure the other boy didn’t get away. Like something out of a horror movie, Vadim heard the fake taxi roar to life and start to bear down on him as he ran back down the road faster than he had ever run before.
>Vadim’s intimate knowledge of the area that had been his home all his life served him well and he veered off into the bushland where he found a place to hide. Although petrified, he managed to stay quiet as one of the attackers searched for him, driving slowly past the area where he had left the road. He heard the car stop, the door open and the crunch of footsteps. He wanted to scream in fear, cry out with pain, but instead he cowered in the bushes in silence.
>Unable to find the runaway, Viktor returned to where Igor was slamming the pipe into the face of the other boy who lay on the road beside his bike, and urged him to get away from the scene of the crime. With one last blow, Igor reluctantly joined Viktor in the car and the fake taxi roared away into the early hours of the morning.
>Once he was sure that the psychopaths had gone, Vadim returned to check on his 13-year-old friend. Andrei lay in a pool of blood, but he was still breathing. He appeared to be trying to say something, but it was impossible to make out any words. Vadim tried to stop some of the blood with his t-shirt and put his jacket under Andrei’s head to comfort him, before heading to a busier road to try and get help. Cars sped by the frantic, blood-spattered teenager until finally someone stopped and agreed to take the boys to the hospital. Andrei had no chance of surviving and was dead on arrival.
>Vadim was in shock as doctors, nurses and orderlies rushed about their business around him. He wanted his mother, but he had no idea whether anyone had gone to get her. He couldn’t get the visions of his friend out of his head, and the memory of being stalked through the bushes by a psychopath with a heavy metal pipe replayed over and over in his mind.
>Finally, two police officers approached him. Surely everything would be okay now. Vadim prayed that they were going to tell him that they had apprehended the murderers and that he was safe. But he was wrong. At a time when adults should be most concerned with the welfare of a little boy who had been through unimaginable horror, Vadim’s nightmare was only just beginning.
I think this is it?
Never heard of it before, but now I really want to read it
Check out the book "PSYCHO.COM" for all the details about the maniacs and their victims
I’m one of the writers for Casefile and I’ve recently begun to compile extended versions of my casefile scripts into ebooks, with the blessing of Casey.
Book 1 is available now at Amazon US - The others will follow. I would absolutely love Casefilers to download it and write a review on Amazon.
If the link above doesn't work, please just search for Eileen Ormsby on your local Amazon site
The books so far are:
A pair of teens go on a murderous rampage and their exploits are immortalised in the most shocking video ever to circulate the internet, “3 Guys, 1 Hammer”
A serial killer with over 100 kills to his name walks free and becomes a Youtube sensation.
A psychopath lures victims through online dating to use as “research” for his twisted film project.
Serial killers have been with us for decades. The internet has put them in our pockets. is a chilling look at what happens when murderous minds meet modern technology.
A Minnesota dog trainer is found dead of an apparent suicide after detectives find her details on a dark web murder-for-hire site. But who paid $13,000 in Bitcoin to kill this devout Christian and beloved wife and mother? An extraordinary tale of infidelity, betrayal and a shadowy hitman who may not be all he seems.
A Page-3 glamour model is drugged, kidnapped and listed for sale on a dark web human trafficking site. A secret society called Black Death demands a ransom for her safe return, or else she will be sold to sadistic millionaires to use before feeding to the tigers.
True tales from the dark side of the internet – coming soon
A bookworm teenager is brutally attacked by a vengeful author after she gives him a scathing review. She could never have known that his book was a fictionalised confession of years of pathological stalking of a young woman whose mistake was to smile at him.
A young Hollywood starlet enjoys rising fame on a smash-hit sitcom, unaware that her greatest fan is an unhinged teenager hell-bent on meeting his crush… until she films a love scene and his adoration turns into a quest to see her punished.
A 15-year-old boy is surprised when MI6 approaches him online with a direct order from the Queen to work as a spy. His exciting new life takes a deadly turn when his girlfriend is kidnapped and he is ordered to kill his best friend
Book 3 takes you into the twisted world of stalkers and the devastating impact their obsessions can have on their victims
A 12-year-old girl never makes it home from a Halloween party. When the people of the town discover what was done to her, they cancel Halloween until the real monsters who roam their streets can be caught.
A 14-year-old girl is excited to attend her first evening party with local teens. What happens there is every parent’s nightmare, but it is made infinitely worse when the residents of the town close ranks around the perpetrators.
A schoolgirl comes to the aid of a middle-aged woman who has lost her puppy and becomes the victim of the most hated couple in Australian history.