Thanks for the comment as always I do appreciate them.
Couple of points:
The original copyright for Exciting Comics 9 was not renewed. It became Public Domain because at the time the copyright had to be renewed every 28 years after first publication and it wasn't (pre-1978). I didn't say it didn't have the copyright from when it was published I said it no longer had a copyright that makes it Public Domain now.
Trademark I've mentioned is separate from Copyright I didn't conflate the two. It was one of the things I was careful to mention in this post and the Popeye post after making the mistake during research. The only mistake I'll give is that I wrote "Nedar Comics were once considered Ohpraned works" that isn't what I was supposed to write it was meant to be that some characters are considered Orphaned works but I think I didn't read what I wrote very well before posting.
I own a book (as of a week ago) called the Public Domain Encyclopedia all three of these books have information concerning PD characters including one that is devoted to Black Terror, very cheap and worth a read if I can add. I also read an article of SYFY about the characters recent run with Dynamite that mentions him being Public Domain as well as most Nedar comics as well as the Public Domain Superhero Database and comicvine plus I have shared a conversation with a few Youtube people including one called The Comic Book Historian who have have given me some of the information concerning the public domain aspects of the character.
I promise you before I put up any public domain post I tend to spend at least a day or two researching each one at the very least. I haven't posted one or two that I wasn't sure were public domain OR I have posted one and explained the trademarks such as Popeye.
I accept that other than the Orphaned work sentence being a mistake, Black Terror in his Nedar run is Public Domain. The fact that the last two or three companies to use him have openly mentioned he was Public Domain also backs up my post. I'm glad that you pulled me on the Orphaned part but like I said I am 100 percent sure the character (nedar comics version) IS public domain. Two days of reading, research, and sharing conversations with other public domain fans gives me full confidence that the character the ORIGINAL character is Public Domain.