Chiming in to say that Cocina Criolla, by Carmen Aboy, is like the bible of Puerto Rican cooking.
...add to that her other book "Puerto Rican Cookery", and baby, you've got a stew goin'!
I don't do much on YouTube so I can't really recommend any channels . I do all my cooking from what I learned from my mom and the "Puerto Rican Cookery" cookbook: -- I've tried to make pan de agua and pan sobao myself but have failed every single time.
The seminal Puerto Rican cook book. Puerto Rican Cookery English version.
Puerto Rican Cookery
Here’s the English version: Puerto Rican Cookery
And this is the original version, if you know Spanish: Cocina criolla
I follow the turkey recipe, including preparing my own rub (the recipe calls out serving per pound, you have to adjust it according to the weight of the turkey), cooking the stuffing, etc. In addition, I add ripe plantains to the ground beef of the stuffing. And I top the turkey with a sazón packet. I cook the turkey breast down so it absorbs the juices and top with foil. Man, I can’t wait to cook and eat my turkey!
It looks like Amazon sells this book
The PR food bible:
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