I actually just replaced the pump on a similar tank for cheap, with a pump off of Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/PULACO-Submersible-Aquariums-Fountain-Hydroponics/dp/B07SJGKFT7?pd_rd_w=bD48r&pf_rd_p=7e8efe83-c453-47a7-b6f0-8ce7932221cb&pf_rd_r=X582Z4QHXMFTBRTMJV27&pd_rd_r=6c262c72-0fbe-4bab-844b-f9c7a9c9023d&pd_rd_wg=dD...
This is what I bought. Very low flow, which is great for a betta and it is adjustable. I am super happy with it for the 2 days I have owned it. It is better than the over-powered pump that came with it!
I am unsure of what else you would need to do specifically to get it to work with your tank, but mine has a similar hidden back portion.
Alright, maybe try a tiny water pump. I’m including an Amazon link to one on sale. I don’t know if it’s good or not, but it has good ratings.
If you put a 5gal bucket from a big box on the kitchen counter, drop the pump in, put the trees in the sink, use a timer to control when it comes on and goes off. I have several Etekcity WiFi outlets I use to control plant lights and stuff inside. You can set a ton of on/off times.
Again, you’d want to test it and adjust the flow rate, but it would be an option.
Thanks! You dodge with every reply you made on this post.
1) I’m not experiencing any of these issues, why are you insistent that what I’m doing is wrong?
2) How would you define and expert? You say that some of these rules are just arbitrary numbers pulled out of proverbial asses, but the numbers YOU found are “not arguable”? Y’all are some sure of the information fish whole sellers copy and paste onto their websites.
3) A pig kept in a piss and shit cage would probably be showing significant signs of destress right?
PULACO 50GPH 3W Mini Submersible Water Pump for Aquariums, Fish Tank, Pond, Fountain, Hydroponics https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SJGKFT7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_ECNJ40BRJ66GH9MPW6X8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is the pump I used. I whittled a sponge filter way down and you can squeeze the back end of the pump into the hole on the end. I pushed mine far enough back and made a little hole for the outlet tube so that it is effectively locked in place. I then tightly packed excess sponge material into the other end of the hole to slow down the flow and sealed it shut. A stone holds it all down and helps to further defuse the outflow
PULACO 50GPH 3W Mini Submersible Water Pump for Aquariums, Fish Tank, Pond, Fountain, Hydroponics https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SJGKFT7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_XPQH7QPRX0MCAYDD1TNY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is the pump I bought to replace mine. It works just fine and the tubing fits without adapters.
The smallest water pumps (3W) create 190L per hour flow through 0.8 cm nozzle. Stronger pump makes stronger flow, restricting output should burn the motor much sooner.
It actually might be a little large for the width of my water area. Does this look like it might work?
You can keep the heater where it is if you get something like this. PULACO 50GPH 3W Mini Submersible Water Pump for Aquariums, Fish Tank,Wave Maker Pump, Pond, Fountain, Hydroponics https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SJGKFT7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_eAYNV2MXcwb77
I have this in one of my tanks and it has made a difference I. The over all health of the tank. Also don’t get down if you struggle to get your tank balanced. Sometimes things just don’t work out. You just have to try it again.
I would just recommend getting a cheap thermometer to monitor it for a couple of days. You’ll probably hover around 78 degrees depending on how warm the room the tanks is in stays at(at least in my experience)
If you don’t have anything to circulate water I would highly recommend getting something. Having a pump in my tank has made a huge difference in temperature regulation (and overall health of my tank. I’m using this super cheap fountain water pump and it works great. I don’t even have to turn it up all the way. PULACO 50GPH 3W Mini Submersible... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SJGKFT7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I've used these with great success. I've ordered a few different brands but they all seem to be essentially identical, they all probably come from the same factory in China. They are all MUCH cheaper than a Fluval branded pump
Reasonably cheap too:
Pump 11.87
Lights 19.99
Elbow x2 7.56
Gutter Extension 4.11
Rod. Cut 2.28
Cups and medium and seeds. Already had.
Totaled at 45.81
All in USD.
So I actually took a piece of coarse sponge filter pad I had laying around and zip tied it around the pump to create a sort of prefilter. Hasn’t clogged once.
Also the pump I have doesn’t seem to be available anymore. I can edit this post with something similar if I find one.
E: here ya go on the pump: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SJGKFT7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_AI6fFb6C4GSZY
And the sponge filter pad I got; although it is currently out of stock: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/filter-media/products/sponge-pad-coarse
I've never had a pump go out. This looks like exactly what I have and it's $12.
I've used something like this before, and it has an adjustable flow knob on it.
The pump is from PULACO 50GPH 3W Mini Submersible... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SJGKFT7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share and the water dish is from pet supplies plus. It’s our diy water fountain pool 🤣
It’s this one PULACO 50GPH 3W Mini Submersible... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SJGKFT7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share :)
get something like a submersible aqarium pump. something like this
PULACO 50GPH 3W Mini Submersible... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SJGKFT7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
This is what I use^^^ my bob doesnt give two fucks about it, but at least i know im doing whats best for him haha
This is what I ordered from Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SJGKFT7?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
I'll report in when it arrives and I get it set up.
i actually got it on amazon! i was so excited i couldn’t wait and got same day shipping lol.
here’s the link <3
PULACO 50GPH 3W Mini Submersible... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SJGKFT7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Here is the pump I used for the refugium.
The breeder box was designed for an air pump to force water up a tube, but I didn't think that was enough flow for my display tank to benefit from the chaeto.
and the light
You know it probably would be if I wasn't bedridden with a broken knee...
If you want to give it a shot and have some potato fun with a good DIY project yourself though, you can either build some wood potato boxes (easy if you have the tools) or use 5 gallon buckets. Buckets need a few drainage holes put in them, and they are at high risk of overwatering, but they work and are mobile.
Just take some of your favorite potatoes, or ones that have turned, throw in on an inch of soil, and then over it with two inches of soil. This is important, just two or so inches. Keep moderately moist, not wet, just slightly moist. It's kinda hard in CO honestly over the winter, but once it's started they are EZ PZ.
Eventually the potatoes pop up with multiple green shoots. Bury them up to the leaves at the top. Every three inches of plant growth, bury 2 inches of the stems. This will turn the stem to roots, capable of producing potatoes. Repeat the process until your bucket is filled with dirt.
For a simple, 1 to 4 plant system, just buy a cheap aquarium pump with 1/4 inch tube fitting. Some BLACK (very important to prevent algae) 1/4" aquarium tubing, some 1/4" tube splitters, and a bag of drippers.
You can use stakes instead of drippers but it's pretty was to just lay the dripper where you need it, or use a clothes pin to hold it to the bucket. Makes it easy.
But yeah, it's super easy to set up. The hardest part is buying a digital timer for your water pump, and figuring out how often you need to water. Underwatering is preferable, and is easy to notice and correct, always aim to underwater. Overwatering will just make them rot. Most drip systems on potatoes will only need to water for 15-30 minutes (depending on flow) every 5-10 days, with it needing more water if the container can breath (boxes, aerobags, etc), and less water if it cannot (buckets).
For plant feed, pretty much any run of the mill feed will do, but I recommend just buying a cheap bottle of liquid feed from your local nursery/greenhouse. Potatoes don't take much, just a tablespoon added to the water every couple weeks.
As far as lighting, if you want to buy a plant light go for it, but a few shop lights also tend to work as long as they aren't like, 5 feet or more above the plants. Cheap hanging lamp shades make this a non-issue. Also make sure light isn't shining in your reservoir. I recommend buying blue buckets, or painting them dark colors, and using a $1 lid from walmart with holes for the pump tubes cut in the top.
Potatoes will usually be ready to harvest 3 to 5 months after you fill the bucket, with the bottom containing the largest produce. This is where boxes are greater than buckets, you can open and harvest the bottom while the top of the plant keeps growing.
The only other thing of note, is bugs. It's always possible that bugs will find you are their eggs will come in through soil. Since it's a still environment, you have to be aggressive and treat them every 3 days (egg>larvae lifecycle) until all signs stop, and then several more times after.
I'm currently running a 1/2" pump to water 16 pepper plants right now on a setup like this. I cannot express how great it has been to have this system that I don't have to tend to, while my knee has been busted up.
I recently bought these two on Amazon. Both fit inside the small corner compartment. I haven’t turned them on yet to see how strong they are.
PULACO 50GPH 3W Mini Submersible Water Pump for Aquariums, Fish Tank,Wave Maker Pump, Pond, Fountain, Hydroponics https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SJGKFT7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_8Z31XFG4FHVF5QR4XSW2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
PULACO 95 GPH 5W Mini Submersible Water Pump for Aquarium Fish Tank, Pond, Fountain, Hydroponics https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SLKDW5J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_Q1F6QE4C9XWHEMVA7V2W?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I actually bought them to fit in my spec V because my pump has been iffy about turning on after two years.
Yes! I have the same thing. 5 gallon lowes bucket, this pump https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SJGKFT7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fab_FK-zFbA5JXXMV And a cycle timer for 1 minute every 12 hours. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01G6O28NA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fab_vN-zFb6S2F5AV Then I just top dress and foliar. Rock on brother.
Note: prepare for a flood, never lack a backup plan if the pump goes rogue. I used this water heater drain pan with a plug. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Oatey-Washing-Machine-Drain-Pan-White/1000939904