How far is the tank from a faucet?
I like growing my peace lilies in water because they’re so sensitive to underwatering. In order to grow them in water, you need to clean the soil off the roots completely then place them in a vase with water covering the roots but not the leaves. Eventually your plant will grow water roots. Replace the water once a week to keep it fresh and full of oxygen. You’ll also have to add a complete nutrition fertilizer because your plant won’t have soil to get nutrients from. I like liquidirt. Peace Lilies thrive in water!! Bonus points if you get an aquarium pump for one. This one is $10
I'm using a small subsersible pump with some sponge over the intake. For a shrimp tank with plants I've found you don't actually need a filter. I had a hang on back big ole filter but this here is more asthetically minimal and quiet and power efficient (something like this)
I bought this one and it has little suction cups on the backside of it. I put it on the bottom of the bowl at first but my kitten liked the fountain a little too much (wouldn’t stop playing with it) so now it’s stuck to the side of the bowl and just makes a nice whirlpool. I wouldn’t say it cleans the water but I do find bits of cat food in the pump when I rinse the bowl every few days.
It would be something like this, make sure you buy one that fits.
PULACO 95GPH 5W Mini Submersible Water Pump for Aquarium Fish Tank, Pond, Fountain, Hydroponics
It’s a very low watt pump (5W, they also have a 3W one) with adjustable flow:
PULACO 95GPH 5W Mini Submersible Water Pump for Aquarium Fish Tank, Pond, Fountain, Hydroponics
It’s a pretty simple setup: aquarium pump, a lid with drain holes, and a Tupperware container that holds the water and the lid drains to. I’ll make another post that shows the setup from outside the cage
PULACO 95GPH 5W Mini Submersible Water Pump for Aquarium Fish Tank, Pond, Fountain, Hydroponics
It’s a pretty simple setup: aquarium pump, a lid with drain holes, and a Tupperware container that holds the water and the lid drains to
PULACO 95GPH 5W Mini Submersible Water Pump for Aquarium Fish Tank, Pond, Fountain, Hydroponics
Ha, it’s just a $12 aquarium pump, a container lid (the bowl) and a Tupperware container that holds the water
PULACO 95GPH 5W Mini Submersible Water Pump for Aquarium Fish Tank, Pond, Fountain, Hydroponics
Yup. Figured suck start is the only way for small tanks. Not enough space to use a python.
On the other hand, have you looked into a small pump to help with the water change process? Something like this pump from Amazon
Water Pump Air Pump That air pump didn’t come with airline hose so I also had to buy some of that. Airline Tubing
Not sure if the permalink worked. If not:
It’s [this one]( , hardly makes any noise and no air stone
For those who are asking for more information :)
My plane is now even more delayed, so this behind the scenes video is from two weeks ago before I left.
This setup can be used to water plants more permanently using Google home routines with timers and individual nozzles for each plant. This way you wouldn't need to have your plants in a shower.
The hardest part for me was finding the correct hose adapters to fit the submersible aquarium pump. But a local hardware store should be able to help you out. You'll also have to play with the water pressure because these pumps aren't too powerful.
Smart plugs(s)
A little bit of both. I went to my local hydro shop and bought the DWC bucket and clay pellets. From there I rigged up a small pump and put it in the bottom of the bucket with a tube going up to the top of the media, and put that on a timer to pump for a few minutes several times a day. That's just for when the plant is young so the roots get bathed in nutrient solution several times a day until they are long enough to reach the reservoir. I also bought a air stone and air pump to keep the reservoir oxygenated. And finally I'm also using a small aquarium heater to keep my res at the right temp because it's cold in my growing closet.
I didn't do the math, but probably about $50 bucks all in. But I'm happy with the results. This is my current grow.
In a tank that small a tiny hang on back filter would work fine, or even one of those little water fountain pumps. You don't have room for much else.
Light for anyone that’s curious I actually really like the features of this light. It’s programmable and has an auto 24 hr light cycle. Rather inexpensive as far as tank lighting can go. Just seems a bit strong for the moss varieties I currently have
Tank is a Mr Aqua 12 gallon long
Terrarium inhabitants include 3 slugs (somewhat responsible for decimating the upper section of plant life), several pill bugs, one centipede, and a rather large earthworm I just discovered early this morning. I hope to add spring tails at some point but i worry about the flooding.
I’ve played around with keeping the lights off but that encouraged a lot of mold growth. So now I’m experimenting with what survives and letting that flourish. I truly know nothing about moss. All of these varieties have been sampled from my yard.
The setup of the tank was a rather quick DIY as I was bored and sad that I had to close down my ponds for the winter. This brought a bit of life and moving water into my home. There are a few things I would do differently. The style of pump makes covering the outlet a bit awkward. So I might design things a bit differently. Also the water doesn’t flow so well in the bottom area. I’d shape the liner to direct in more towards the pump inlet. Because there is no pre-filter on the pump, sediment will occasionally get through. The tube itself is getting some mud and muck in certain sections. Eventually it will have to come out and be flushed or replaced.
I’ll try to answer all of your questions as they come. Thank you so much for your interest. And sorry for filming the crappy way! I’m not a big social media fan and didn’t realize until I posted.
Sure! PULACO 95 GPH 5W Mini Submersible...