I use one of these just to be safe and it also improves the taste. You might want to take a look - https://smile.amazon.com/Advanced-Faucet-Filter-Chrome-FM-3700B/dp/B0009CEKY6/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1474304587&sr=8-3&keywords=pur+water+filter
get a water filter and you wont have that problem. you can get one of these from walmart for about 20 bucks. I got one when I moved from Arlington to Bedford because the water in the midcities tastes chlorinated to me. It works like a charm. get the mineral filters, itll taste like spring water, on tap. and its way cheaper, and greener than buying bottles.
Beyond testing you can also buy these 3 stage water filters: http://www.amazon.com/PUR-Advanced-Faucet-Filter-FM-3700B/dp/B0009CEKY6
Not too expensive.
I'm on a budget at the moment so I need something with a lower upfront cost. I looked around and saw that PUR has a system for $24. Would you recommend this?
One of these.
A sediment filter will probably take care of most of it. Get a 5 micron filter for it. This particular model (if it's the one I'm thinking of) connects similar to a sharkbite fitting, no need to solder, you just cut the pipe. Might want to run it by the landlord first. If you don't want to go the invasive route, these filters attach to the sink, and make quite tasty water. It's also very easy to remove if it gets in your way while doing dishes.
También están los Pur.
I'm assuming something like this.